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Will Armand's story be told?

I'm curious to know if Armand's story will be told. He is the only brother left. It would be so nice to be able to have him find a lifemate who won't die on him. Poor man.

Re: Will Armand's story be told?

Yeah I've been wondering that too. Not to mention it's still just beyond me that he's had three lifemates! even though they've all died, which is terrible, it just doesn't seem fair, or right, that he's had three and poor Lucian had to wait dozens of centuries to find Leigh, all the while Armand is going through them like elizabeth taylor goes through husbands lol.

Re: Will Armand's story be told?

thare are other siblings in the that genaration i mean Alex and Ram lived for 1600 years i bealive they have to have more then 5 kids plus thare was know 100 year rule then

Re: Will Armand's story be told?

I agree iceangel. Are we absolutely sure that the other three were his true lifemates?

Re: Will Armand's story be told?

I agree J4. Just because he married them did not necessarily mean they were his true lifemates.


Re: Will Armand's story be told?

C1 I can see the wheels turning in your head. Your thinking of possible theories, aren't ya?

Re: Will Armand's story be told?

Who me?? C1 getting back on her perch

Re: Will Armand's story be told?


ok, what if he was young... maybe he couldn't wait!! (LIKE MOST MEN!) He found his mate, something happened,(LIKE I DON"T KNOW.....THE FALL OF ATLANTIS!) They were separated, he thought she died, and he too the next best thing, LOVE!, but not with his lifemate....and years later...yea! he finds her!!

G# (No applause plese!)

Re: Will Armand's story be told?

All of his wives were after BC. Strange. No fling/mates nothing before the 1400's.

C1 inquiring minds want to know

Re: Will Armand's story be told?

do we know how his wives died?

Re: Will Armand's story be told?

or more importantly if they were lifemates--as was stated in VI--its rare for two immortals who aren't lifemates to live together happily

so is he mini jean claude jr, a mean pr**k who controls women to get busy? Or what

Re: Will Armand's story be told?

Susanna (1430-1449)
Althea (1775-1798)
Rosamund (1888-1909) I believe Thomas said she died giving birth to JL

Don't remember about the other 2. Will do some re-reading to see.

Re: Will Armand's story be told?

Ah but what did we learn in Marguerite's book about the mind reading stuff? ******SPOILER! STOP READING IF YOU HAVEN'T READ VI ******** Everyone was amazed that Jean Claude could read her after the first hundred years or so. She should have learned to be able to block him out by then and prevented his reading or controlling her, but he never trained her to do that and it wouldn't have mattered anyway because of the three on one. He had a back door to her brain so to speak because of the three on one.

And it's been said repeatedly in most all the books that immortals can read each other if they don't block each other out. In fact when they first meet their lifemate they are often distracted enough that other immortals read them easily. That need to keep up constant blocks is why immortals don't work that well together as mates unless they're proper lifemates who can't read each other, they have to constantly be on guard. They never relax. So, while a union between two immortals who are not traditional lifemates is not ideal it isn't always the car wreck Marguerite and Jean Claude's is.

Lynsay, going to bed before she gives away any other tidbits that people will sort out. Night guys!

Re: Will Armand's story be told?

That does sound good, he meets his true lifemate but its really difficult for him to accept it as hes had three others before him that he thought were lifemates, hes so old that even if he can't read them. His mates would be able to seeing as how old he is and so they wouldn't know if he wasn't their lifemate

Re: Will Armand's story be told?

so he would know that they were not his lifemates because he was older (like Marguerite thought with Julius) but his lifemates who were younger wouldn't be able to read him. Hmm... that seems a little sneaky. If they thought he was their true lifemate and he knew he wasn't that doesn't bode well for a happy marriage.

Armand may not have been like his brother JC, but doesn't mean he wasn't using these women for a little security. That is.... if this theory was correct.

J4-Looking for more wiser people to theorize.

Re: Will Armand's story be told?

I think that even though it says they were immortal I find it very strange that they were in their twenties and were immortals. Very strange co-incidence there to make contact and marry three immortals that were just born only 20 or so years earlier.

Considering that Armand is 3,100 years old and his wives were only around 20ish. Even if he couldn't read them there'd be no chance of them being able to read him. He's so old that he'd have barriers without even thinking of it so he'd always be protected from such weak intrusion attempts

Re: Will Armand's story be told?

Yeah but that's thing. Because he is so old, he would know right off the bat whether is he was their lifemate or not.

Lucian could read a whole town (granted most were mortals) and including his own brother, Victor who is rather old himself. So Armand could very easily read these women. As they aged they may be able put some barriers as far him controlling them but he would still be able to read them.

So there are questions raised. Could he really have 3 lifemates or did he actually have no lifemates yet and the real lifemate is still out there? And if the other 3 were not his lifemates why did he stay with them?

Re: Will Armand's story be told?

Could be love. Or it could have been loneliness.


Re: Will Armand's story be told?

notice she didn't give us a yes or a no answer? sneaky sneaky Lynsay =D

Re: Will Armand's story be told?

Ohh yes.. very sneaky. But I think Lynsay might be a bit distracted right now. With writing Book 12 and all (Or 13.. depending on how far shes gotten)

Re: Will Armand's story be told?

if she is distracted a good amount maybe we could trick her into giving us some spoilers on books 10,11,12 and 13
(who feels a little devilish before school)

Re: Will Armand's story be told?

Wouldn't that be nice.. hmmm who the book is actually on would be nice.. Have to wait until 2010! For 13

Re: Will Armand's story be told?

i think Lynsay spoild us with TAV,VAF and VI all out one after another i don't think i could wait 2 years for the 13 book i am not very pachint but what 12 year old is

Re: Will Armand's story be told?

I'm never patient when it comes to my favourite TV show or author.. Its just soooo long. But we have to be thankful that we get at least 2 books a year so authors can have up to 13 months between each book!

Re: Will Armand's story be told?

I am thinking that I was little too harsh with Armand. He may have actually had 3 lifemates. I mean Lucian had 2 and so did Victor. It would also explain why he took it so hard when they died that he locked himself away from the world.

Re: Will Armand's story be told?

HA! I MOCK YOU 2010! I wonder if we call and pester avon if we will get the books faster...stage a hunger strike or something

Re: Will Armand's story be told?

You mock yourself! You have to wait until then too

Re: Will Armand's story be told?


Re: Will Armand's story be told?

Alright Ashley. We will stage a coup. All those in "Argeneaus Anonymous" will storm Lynsays home and steal her stories.

Re: Will Armand's story be told?


I remember from British news that somebody stole the first ten chapters of JK Rowlings manuscript for her sixth Potter book I think. Good thing she kept copies

Re: Will Armand's story be told?

as much as I love harry potter--this is bigger then harry potter this is lynsay sands! How can I be expected to wait this long?! :cries:

and SHHH since you announced it we can't do that--we must think of something else

Re: Will Armand's story be told?

You are absolutely right. How stupid of me. Besides I am sure Mr and Mrs. Spice are expecting a full frontal assualt. We must be more subtle.

Hmm... let me think about it.

Re: Will Armand's story be told?

If any of you have seen or know of Stargate SG-1 you might know of the Tok'ra memory probes.. Even though they dont work in the way we want them too.. but we could have a mind reading device to draw out the unwritten stuff

Re: Will Armand's story be told?

Acal -

Speaking of Stagate SG-1 we could always ask the Asgard to beam out the future books, make copies and put them back before anyone knows they're a thought

Re: Will Armand's story be told?

Hmmm.. but first we need to find one of those little naked grey guys. Good idea though.. Just got Bite Me iF You Can today, god its hillarious. Poor Lucian he's having the worst day possible

Re: Will Armand's story be told?

If I find any little naked grey guys roaming around the house there will be big trouble. I have a large fly swatter and I'm prepared to use it.

Hmmm! I'm not sure if that sounds quite as I meant it. Too late now though, I've already posted it.

Re: Will Armand's story be told?

what about if we sit outside her house looking pitaful thus causing media awareness until she tells us the info we want to know? ;D That way not only do we get the info but we get to meet her awesomeness and his awesomeness the Mr and the Mrs. of Spice

Re: Will Armand's story be told?

I think a restraining order and a visit from the men in white suits would be in order first

Well the little grey guys are about four feet tall so I doubt a swatter would work particularly well..

Re: Will Armand's story be told?

maybe if we come bearing chocolate we will be welcome

Re: Will Armand's story be told?

Acal, the Asgard are too nice to do anything like invading humans homes. They probably shake their grey heads look with their sad greys eyes at us as to say "What fools these humans be".

Mr. Spice don't worry we won't send the little grey men after you. So now you can put the large fly swatter to better use

Ashley I like your plan but I may end up eating some of it before we give it to Mrs. Spice.

Re: Will Armand's story be told?

Now maybe we need to look at this in a different way. We get another cat to talk to Emma. Let them to be friends then we get the "real scoop" from her.

My fur baby loves "Greenies" so maybe we also bribe her that way. With her special treat.

Re: Will Armand's story be told?

ooh, I like sis. Very subtle, the spices will never suspect

Re: Will Armand's story be told?

Oh god.. I only got it this afternoon but i'm almost finished reading Lucian's story Have to wait until next week to get more books..

Re: Will Armand's story be told?

When you finish Acal you gotta tell us what your favorite part was.

I won't say anything so as not ruin it for you.

Re: Will Armand's story be told?

I agree with Jill. Lucian's was my favorite that is until I read Marguerite's. But it was thisclose.

Re: Will Armand's story be told?

Don't let Cindy fool you Acal. VI the book may be in first place for her, but Lucien stays in first place All the time in her heart!

wren...angelic little sister heeheehee

Re: Will Armand's story be told? we all know who is in you heart of hearts.( besides dh)

Re: Will Armand's story be told?

WHO??? (besides Mr. Frog Prince, of course!) has been playing on the other threads today, my sisters!

Re: Will Armand's story be told?

Don't be shy. Or is that humble? We know you are madly for Bastian!

You go right ahead an play!!

C1- why do I want

Re: Will Armand's story be told?

Ok, maybe the Asgard won't help...dang it. But the sounds really good and sneaky...

I really enjoy all of the Argeneau series, but I must agree with Jill, Lucian is my favorite.

Re: Will Armand's story be told?

Book or Character, Wendy?

Oh, C1...Bastien is in the top three...but who is number one?

I have another fave whose book & character edges Bastien out, but just barely...besides my irl twin sisters are fighting over Bastien...and my #3 is Thomas...


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