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Re: Discussing - Honolulu Advertisers Articles

They want the "look" of the new home, but don't want to reside in it.
There are people who live in million dollar homes and are unhappy individuals searching for happiness.....
A house that is functional, makes a better home to me.
I personally prefer the old plantation houses, with a wrap around porch, and front deck.
Butttttttttttttttttt, that's my preference.

Re: Discussing - Honolulu Advertisers Articles

2 Funny,
True story
I lived in various places in the mainland and the types of people that have swarmed to Kailua and other places around our island.
This is like a vacation home for them..or a business...they like to call it "their second home"

This is what makes it hard for us people who call this island our home for our children to buy houses because they have the funds to buy and develop more rapidly..
The Real-estate industry of course will rather sell to a developer rather than an individual and most individuals don't qualify for a loan of these sizes..

Once the developer buys it then they put up a big house and... tadah!.
This generates more BUSINESS for all involved for it increases all the surrounding houses values... this is future clients for them.. Who suffers "the local residents" Hawn' or Haole' no matter-
Just like this so called affordable housing going up in Kailua....even the price of those condo's are outstandingly high priced so who is it affordable for? ...
Now, if Kaneohe Ranch was so community orientated and for the common people in Kailua - Why did it sell the most prime spot for an affordable rental units off to a developer ? because of MONEY - of course its a business!! and its a good business move!
And they do the same darn thing in the business district of mom & pop they shove them out too! Yes there have been more and more businesses closing shop if you look through the Advertiser and Star Bulletin you can read the sad stories of how they were forced to close shop!!
There needs to be some control on the amount of development that is taking over our island at whole..

Development in the residential & business districts does create jobs in the construction industry but what people are failing to realize is our land/resources on the islands are limited..
So like domino's this development will go on and on until it's exhausted then the prices will continue to rapidly go up & up!! the prices the buildings the class of people..
They call this "progress" so they say!! but like anything and everything... if it's in excess it then causes an unbalance and it causes havock in our communities...they don't care for they are in it for the money!
It's very sad to see the place WE call home destroyed by business people profiting off the place we call home.. where our families for generations shared memories , where our families had to struggle to make a living. We used to pull together with "one hand helping the other" now it's one hand shaking our hand and the other one stabbing us in the back...We as a community an island OHANA need to stand like we did in da ol' days and stop these businesses from doing this it isn't only a Kailua problem these DEVELOPERS are RUINING not only our island but our culture , our families - They build faster than we can stop or put limitations- They open shops like the illegal TVU's & B&B's faster and faster and it generates more money for them to continue to buy build increase housing values and more and more people will become homeless and forced to move to the mainland or other places..

Something needs to be done and quick - Its not going to stop until We The People of Hawaii Stand together and Put them Out of Business.
Too bad they can't make an island law that states if you don't reside here you cant buy here.. When I did the GIS a good handful of the owners were businesses as the property owner.. and that is sad.. Its like who is my neighbor "oh XXX LLC location mainland"
So They don't even care what the house looks like for they don't have to live in it..They don't have to get blisters on their hands to do yardwork for they have the money to hire a full yard service (money that they get from illegal businesses pay for this) they don't have to SURVIVE and struggle to live here -- but yet they grumble that our homes don't match their homes in quality or exterior...
And this is exactly what's going on in our town- they are so so worried & ashamed about it being an ugly Kailua not like Kohala or other ritzy towns when they should be more ashamed about the fundamentals of things like where it is Family orientated or hold the same values as our parents held! Where you support the old mom & pop stores make sure them and others in our community can keep up with the so called progress!
But you know what Home is where the heart is!! and even though our homes don't match their homes on the outside - Our homes on the inside got a priceless treasure and that is OUR FAMILIES and that is something they will never understand! because the only faces they want to see are those on top of the dollar bills!
I rather be poor and live in a tent and be happy ..than live in a mansion and lack the love that is given by a real family!!
So when they play the Better than Jones game -- we will live the Hawaiian Way and I still say "Love conquers all"
Sure it's nice to have a town that is all decked out but I rather have a town and an neighborhood that is more Ohana like and not upnosed upscaled overpriced and touristy - Kailua is not a business it is our home!!
In the newspaper it keeps saying Kailua is the town that has that so called "few" that are making the most noise! I say IMUA KAILUA good for you!! for making that noise its better than those who grumble and don't do nothing to try to help!! Its time we all make noise cuz it will have a negative impact on our whole island if we don't stand up NOW for our OHANA for our culture and our AINA!!
It's not over-reacting its fact!! We need to stand in UNITY - despite our differences we need to make a choice are you going to go with the destruction of our island or help with aiding those who are out to SAVE our Aina from the GREED of these people..
What would your parents of done the ones that came here long ago and worked the land learned the culture and made Hawaii the family melting pot..
Pidgen was a language that they used to communicate with each other. Now the only communication seems to be the sign of MONEY!
Money talks and Bullkukai walks --
This is not progress folks this is extermination of our culture and our people!
Our children shouldn't have to relocate to the mainland where they have more segregation and the culture is different this is our aina!


Re: Discussing - Honolulu Advertisers Articles


'Developing problem' puts Hawai'i at risk

This in the Opinion - commentary from the Advertiser...


Re: Discussing - Honolulu Advertisers Articles

Aloha, I have been a caretaker for months and I am just now finding out about this. I have moved out but I want to know if I have any responsibility for several past vacation rentals and weddings at the property where I worked and what should I do from here. Mahalo for your time, aloha.