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Re: I love you forever Mom and I will keep looking for a sign from you

hi i just want to say i think i no how u feel as i lost my mum too if u wanna chat reply my mum died of cardiomyopathy five mins before i got to the hospital she was 30yrs old

i miss her so much but noone noes how i feel i hope u do plz reply


Name of loved one and dates: mummy

Re: I love you forever Mom and I will keep looking for a sign from you

Hello, Pam my name is Nicole and I recently just lost my mom as well to lung cancer. She fought it for sixteen long years. Like you I also did not get there in time i got to her home right after she passed my brother and father were with her. I just wanted to give you my feeling on it, to try to comfort you. I believe that mom did not want you to see her go, maybe it would of had a different affect on you and also when they leave us from this world, this life there is no more anger, no fear, no worries about what you did or you didn't do. It a whole new world with peace. Just keep mom close to your heart love her like you always did and share with her all your thoughts and feelings but never worry what you did or didn't do because there are NO hard feelings just wonderful memories of a beautiful friendship of a mother and daughter. I hope this helps you some. Take care of yourself and God Bless You.
