ian's Guestbook

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July 21st 2006
07:06:12 PM
What is your name?  


Were are you from ?  


Are you local to valleytaxis ?  

**** Right

How did you find this Web Site?  

Ian himself

Whats your favourite website ?  


Do you use valleytaxis ?  


If so what do you think of service ?  

Brilliant, Top Notch, Escpec - Airport Trips

What do you like about site ?  

Good layout, very professional

What dont you like about site ?  

that the maker of it supports wigan... lol... only jokin Ian

Would you try valleytaxis looking at site ?  


Would you tell a friend about this site ?  


Do you think this site is worth visiting ?  

Yeh defo

Do you have any comments?  

A very good site cya around Ian !!!!

Email Email    
June 16th 2006
05:29:28 PM
What is your name?  


Were are you from ?  


Are you local to valleytaxis ?  


How did you find this Web Site?  

through ian

Whats your favourite website ?  


Do you use valleytaxis ?  


If so what do you think of service ?  


What do you like about site ?  

its groovy

What dont you like about site ?  

nothing its all good

Would you try valleytaxis looking at site ?  


Would you tell a friend about this site ?  


Would you like anything featured on site ?  

a male stripper

Do you think this site is worth visiting ?  


Is valleytaxis a new name to you ?  


Do you have any comments?  

good reliable friendly n funny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Email Email    
June 16th 2006
11:48:13 AM
What is your name?  


Were are you from ?  


Are you local to valleytaxis ?  


How did you find this Web Site?  

through the taxi man

Whats your favourite website ?  


Do you use valleytaxis ?  


If so what do you think of service ?  

very good

What do you like about site ?  

its a fun site with tips on days out

Would you try valleytaxis looking at site ?  


Would you tell a friend about this site ?  

yep already have

Do you think this site is worth visiting ?  


Is valleytaxis a new name to you ?  


Do you have any comments?  

its a reliable taxi firm who in my experience is always on time.

Email Email    
May 27th 2006
11:01:55 AM
What is your name?  

garry price

Were are you from ?  


Are you local to valleytaxis ?  


How did you find this Web Site?  

some wigan supporter told me

Whats your favourite website ?  


Do you use valleytaxis ?  

would do

If so what do you think of service ?  


What do you like about site ?  

dont like or dislike it

What dont you like about site ?  

as above

Would you try valleytaxis looking at site ?  


Would you tell a friend about this site ?  


Would you like anything featured on site ?  

scenes from the 75-0 saints versus wigan

Do you think this site is worth visiting ?  


Is valleytaxis a new name to you ?  


Do you have any comments?  

just wonder how wigan will do against saints tonight

Email Email    
September 12th 2005
07:48:09 AM
What is your name?  

rotary Paraguay 4840

Is valleytaxis a new name to you ?  

Assumption Paraguay Rotary y Claude Hurard
I am just visited your excelant homesite. Congratulacion for your good work . Write something in my guestbook

Do you have any comments?  

rotaract club Asuncion Catedral distrito 4840

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September 28th 2004
11:51:53 AM
What is your name?  

Geoff Mullin

Were are you from ?  

Adelaide, Sth Australia

Are you local to valleytaxis ?  


How did you find this Web Site?  

Surfing around

Whats your favourite website ?  

www.sasearescue.org.au (because I'm rebuilding it )

Do you use valleytaxis ?  

Will do if I ever return for visit

If so what do you think of service ?  

Will assess at time I come to use them

What do you like about site ?  

Down to earth

What dont you like about site ?  

Too many page adds

Would you try valleytaxis looking at site ?  

Certain'ly would

Would you tell a friend about this site ?  


Would you like anything featured on site ?  


Do you think this site is worth visiting ?  


Is valleytaxis a new name to you ?  

Never was a Taxi service when I resided in Haydock
some 37 yrs ago that I can remember.

Do you have any comments?  

They allways say you can never forget roots.And
I still remember my "Haydock"

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July 25th 2004
09:20:37 PM
What is your name?  

ste and katie

Were are you from ?  

st helens

Are you local to valleytaxis ?  


How did you find this Web Site?  

he told us to go on it

Whats your favourite website ?  


Do you use valleytaxis ?  


If so what do you think of service ?  

it was funny

What do you like about site ?  

he made it himself

Would you try valleytaxis looking at site ?  


Would you tell a friend about this site ?  


Do you think this site is worth visiting ?  


Is valleytaxis a new name to you ?  


Do you have any comments?  

ian is a funny guy who is nosey and great to take the mick out of

April 13th 2004
08:22:44 PM
What is your name?  


Were are you from ?  


Are you local to valleytaxis ?  

not yet

How did you find this Web Site?  

thru a local.......the mr.horkins

Whats your favourite website ?  

yours of course

Do you use valleytaxis ?  

Yes I have.....and shortly as well--right? Mon am?

If so what do you think of service ?  

what can we say----it was great!!!!

Would you try valleytaxis looking at site ?  

I would and will

Would you tell a friend about this site ?  

of course--certainly

Would you like anything featured on site ?  

not sure--tell yu later

Do you think this site is worth visiting ?  


Do you have any comments?  

Look forward to seeing yu soon

February 23rd 2004
04:06:46 AM
What is your name?  

Andy and Michelle

Were are you from ?  


Are you local to valleytaxis ?  

not anymore

How did you find this Web Site?  

the back of your card

Whats your favourite website ?  


Do you use valleytaxis ?  

of course

If so what do you think of service ?  

Driver has bad Aussie accent

What do you like about site ?  

Your photos

Would you try valleytaxis looking at site ?  


Would you tell a friend about this site ?  

Yes already have done!!

Would you like anything featured on site ?  

English Football scores and news from home

Do you think this site is worth visiting ?  


Is valleytaxis a new name to you ?  

No... Heard of him when he had nothing

Do you have any comments?  

Gday Mate
All is bonzer Down Under. Sheila said to say Hi Hope all is well. Say hi to Mum and Dad

Email Email    
November 3rd 2003
01:54:57 PM
What is your name?  

mr b

Were are you from ?  

chewy street

Are you local to valleytaxis ?  

very local

How did you find this Web Site?  

he told me

Whats your favourite website ?  


Do you use valleytaxis ?  


If so what do you think of service ?  


What do you like about site ?  

its got alittle bit of me on it

What dont you like about site ?  


Would you try valleytaxis looking at site ?  


Would you tell a friend about this site ?  

if ian would give a discount

Is valleytaxis a new name to you ?  

Do you have any comments?  

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