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Bar of Soap

I bought these nice little bars of soap on sale at Pier One and am trying to come up with a "thank you" saying to place on each one and use them as favors for a Girl Scout Leader Dinner. Anyone out there know any poems or thank you sayings with a soap, clean, suds, or lather theme that would be appropriate?

Re: Bar of Soap

Hi there... I have two...

Better keep yourself clean and bright; you are the window through which you must see the world. George Bernard Shaw

Helping let everyone sweep in front of his own door and the whole world will be clean. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Hope this helps. Or something like Girl Scout leaders help young people find a clean way of living and serving others.

The Thanks Company 136 Woodberry Drive PO Box 220 Cherryville NC 28021-0220
Toll-free Phone or FAX: 888-875-0903 Regular Phone or FAX: 704-435-8828