What kind of ideas are you looking for: give aways, games, table centre pieces, food, entertainment? Since you already have decor fogured out, I am not sure ? What are you looking to spend?
For entertainment I could see gettign square dance team to come and dance and give lessons with a caller (is that what they are called?) or a team of cloggers.
Background music would be obvious, I think.
If you are looking for giveways, ears of corn that can go directly into the microwave to make popcorn (I''ve seen these in catalougues) with a gingham ribbon tying a thank you card around them and instructions on how to use the corn in the microwave on the back?
Or packages or seeds in a clay pot for each volunteer with a thank you tucked in. Maybe seeds for forget me nots or some other symbolic flower or herb?
Sunflowers (can you get small ones) as table centre peices. Or at least simple flowers in pots on the table - maybe gerber daisies (do they come in yellow?) with a band of gingham around the pot.
Or even game of pin the tail on the dockey (somee how made more grown up) would be funny as entertainment.
Ask the volunteers to come dressed for the event and you too come dressed in the theme.
Maybe a shoot out at the O-K corral isn't a good idea.
That's it....good luck.
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Replying to:
We host a volunteer luncheon the day after our annual dinner auction and use the same decorations to cut back on costs and preparation. The theme for the dinner auction is "A Knight at the Farm". Does anyone have any suggestions for a farm/country related volunteer recognition theme?