Volunteer Recognition Ideas Forum

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Volunteer Recognition Ideas Forum
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Volunteer Passes Away - Want to Honor Her

One of our wonderful school volunteers and friend past away. We would like to do something at school in her memory, but the only thing we can think of using items from this site is possibly using one of the volunteer posters, putting it into a frame, and then attaching something that says this was donated in her honor. We would then put it on the wall directly where volunteers sign in. We also thought that a really nice candy dish, with some color, could have something attached to it and then filled with the "Thanks a Mint" candy. Unfortunately, there aren't any candy dishes on this site. Any other ideas?

Re: Volunteer Passes Away - Want to Honor Her

Do volunteers work your library? A great Idea would be to purchase some books and give them to the Library with a book inscribtion to honor your volunteer. It shares the love of the school as well as a thoughful way to build a library.

Re: Volunteer Passes Away - Want to Honor Her

I think it would be nice to put a photo of the volunteer with a vase of flowers next to it and a small journal book. Ask the staff and/or students to write a favorite memory of that person in the book. Then, you could display it for a month or so, and then present it to her family. I'm sure they would like that very much. Patty

Re: Re: Volunteer Passes Away - Want to Honor Her

Thank you for your idea. That would make it very special.

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