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combining appreciation with clean up

I was distressed by the suggestion by my Director's idea to invite our volunteers to come prepared to work before their luncheon. But, I'm trying to stay positive. I've come up with a western theme of "rounding up" the volunteers. We have young and old and maybe we'll pass out straw cowboy hats to make it fun and finish the clean up with a BBQ and some country music.

I guess I'm wondering how many others have dealt with a Director who wants to forgoe the traditional luncheon for a "working" party. How was it recieved? Won't the volunteers who've enjoyed the annual luncheon be disappointed?

Any advice?

Re: combining appreciation with clean up

I'm sorry - but asking volunteers to help at their own party is pathetic. Maybe you should add a game to the party called "pin the tail on the director"!

The Thanks Company 136 Woodberry Drive PO Box 220 Cherryville NC 28021-0220
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