Volunteer Recognition Ideas Forum

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"Big Kids" Party - costume ideas

We are hosting a "Big Kids" party for our volunteer recognition function. We will be playing kids games (pin the tail, musical chairs, pass the parcel etc) and serving kids party food.

I would like to give our volunteers some ideas for how to dress up (party dress and ankle socks, hat backwards, nappy and dummy). Any creative ideas I can share would be most welcome!!!

Re: "Big Kids" Party - costume ideas

A few ideas off the top of my head, anything with Bib overalls (also easy for any pregnant ladies you may have). Consider having a few of the "organizers" dress up as fairy tale characters (Little Miss Muffet, Dorothy from Oz, you get the idea). Also, "kiddie dress attire" - pajamas (with feet) or nightgowns; any "t-shirt and jeans" covered w/ paint, play-dough, whatever; beanie caps....okay, I admit I'm out of ideas, but I'll be back with more later.

Re: Re: "Big Kids" Party - costume ideas

These are fantastic - thank you!!! I'm sure your ideas will inspire many others from our volunteers.

Re: Re: Re: "Big Kids" Party - costume ideas

Pigtails. How about a nerd with taped glasses and flood pants. Greased hair. Blacked out tooth. There is always the Tooth fairy, Santa, Easter Bunny etc.

The Thanks Company 136 Woodberry Drive PO Box 220 Cherryville NC 28021-0220
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