Volunteer Recognition Ideas Forum

Need some fresh recognition ideas? Have some great ideas to share? This is the place!

Volunteer Recognition Ideas Forum
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Re: Volunteer Recognition Dinner Theme Ideas

Our organization just finished a recognition banquet for our 700 + volunteers. We wrote to local businesses and followed up with phone calls and received over 200 door prizes ranging in value of $5.00 to over $200! A local floral wholesaler also donated centerpieces for each of the 65 table we had at the banquet. Most companies are glad to help out - just ask and follow up with a thank you.

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Replying to:

I am the Volunteer Coordinator for a major facility. Among other things, I am in charge of recognizing our volunteers via a volunteer recognition dinner. I was hoping someone out there can give me some new and creative ideas on a theme and maybe some gift ideas. Can anyone help me?

Thanking you in advance


The Thanks Company 136 Woodberry Drive PO Box 220 Cherryville NC 28021-0220
Toll-free Phone or FAX: 888-875-0903 Regular Phone or FAX: 704-435-8828