Volunteer Recognition Ideas Forum

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Volunteer Recognition Ideas Forum
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Thank you for the idea of the kisses in the netting. Sounds simple yet nice.

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An idea I came up with for our volunteers....Take a small square, about6"x6', of white netting (the kind used for rice bags at weddings) and place about 4 to 6 chocolate kisses in the middle, and tie up with colorful curling ribbon. Then I attached a small label to the ribbon with a saying "Thank you volunteer!" or "Happy Volunteer Week". The labels were easy to print in excel. I made about 40 labels on one 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of cardstock paper and cut them out and stapled them to the ribbon. The Thank you bags are beautiful.

The Thanks Company 136 Woodberry Drive PO Box 220 Cherryville NC 28021-0220
Toll-free Phone or FAX: 888-875-0903 Regular Phone or FAX: 704-435-8828