Volunteer Recognition Ideas Forum

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Placemats & Presentation

Since 2001 is International Year of the Volunteer, we decided last year to take random pictures of our volunteers/groups throughout the year. We downloaded 6 pictures on legal size paper to make 'placemats'. We were able to make 4 placemats with different pictures on each one. We laminated these and will use them at each place setting at VRD, along with their program booklet and other gift we provide. We then took all these photos and the others not used and made a powerpoint presentation of "Our Volunteers in Action" and will also show this at the ceremony.

The Thanks Company 136 Woodberry Drive PO Box 220 Cherryville NC 28021-0220
Toll-free Phone or FAX: 888-875-0903 Regular Phone or FAX: 704-435-8828