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Re: What is on your "to do list" today?

Happy MAYDAY!!

Well, besides print, fold, stuff, stamp and mail 165 letters for the boss' wife (cause her lazy @$#! asst can't seem to get it done ) on top of my regular office mgr duties...

I plan to away at lunchtime to check out how many books I can buy with my loverly EC Stimulus
I noticed the Book rack had about 5/6 of her Historicals I would very much like to read.

Then I have to come back here and continue well, okay... ( ) shh.
But, the best part...

Getting out of here to sit in traffic, pick up from daycare, go home to do and figure out how to cook and still eat before 8:00pm so can have her bath and into bed before 9pm....Just so I can get an hour or two in for my reading.
Doesn't sound busy, but for some reason having 3 kids(two teen girls and a 4yr old) and a clingy hubby makes for little time left for me...oh, that's right, I do have half hour in the car. woo-hoo for me!!

Of course, that's where I listen to all my fun music which currently is...
Sweeney Todd.
LOVE that movie!

Re: What is on your "to do list" today?


I just bought:

Sweet Revenge
What She Wants

So, After The Chase those will be next in line. I really should sign hubby up for bowling or some such manly sport so he can't complain about my nose beign bury in 'those smut books'

(Yes, we argued last night as I was laughing over a scene in The RR, I tried to explain to him and he said 'wow, that's alot to lead to a **** scene'

Re: What is on your "to do list" today?

Tracy - mine was the same way, still is, his idea or quality time is me sitting there watching him play Tiger Woods on his playstation. *NOT!*

I read a lot before, but now everyday I bury my head in them during lunch (some of the guys at work stand over my shoulder at the smoke tables and read as well) and during what he calls television time. I stopped watching the television during the writer's strike and now that "Moonlight" is back on I dvr that and watch while he's gone to play pasture pool (Golf). He calls them smut books as well, of course his idea of a good book has to do with American Gangsters (Capone, etc.).

Re: What is on your "to do list" today?

No accounting for taste is there