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Re: MR. Spice....whichdo you prefer?

I used to have a couple of pet of them was yellow-ish with dots and i put him/her in the backyard to "run around and feed" and when i went back to retrieve was gone (give me a break i was 6 yrs old)...i believe i also had a pet duck and snail at one point or another, then there was the regular pets like dogs(a lot), cats and birds.. these were my pets from when i was 4-10 yrs old b4 coming to the US.

oh yea..does a Tamagotchi count? i had one of those for a while

Re: MR. Spice....whichdo you prefer?

Noooo, C1...It's because I wake dear hubby up at 2:00 a.m. to walk me down to where the bathrooms are located, because I'm scared to walk down there by myself, and no, I'm not going behind a tree, either. That's what watching scary movies will do for you. Also, if we happen to run across a snake, or what if a spider crawls in my sleeping bag and I can't see it...Let's just say that I'm just not a good I dropped out of girl scouts after sixth grade, by choice. Also, despite growing up on the Gulf Coast, I do not like to swim in the gulf...I want a swimming pool! There are critters in that Gulf and in the river and other places people think they should swim! ewww! Give me my swimming pool anyday! Gypsy & Seashell are the beach bunnies in the family...that's where Sherri gets her nickname...all that hot gritty sand and hot sun does not bother them! They love it!

Dh camped enough growing up in boy scouts...of course, Pop was a den leader or whatever boy scouts have, and he would let his group raid the other groups for their snacks after lights long as they didn't get caught. What can I say, dh's dad was a soldier and figured all was fair in camping and snacks! camping for me...I'd rather go to the Hampton or Holiday Inn!

This may be My family camped like this a few times when I was growing up! It could work!
But...I'd still rather have the hotel with the indoor pool...

Re: MR. Spice....whichdo you prefer?

i have never gone unless you count in Wisconsin Dells which i dont..i mean i loved it but it was "pretend" camping to me..i mean there was a store in the area where you can buy whatever you need and theres a pool right next to your "camping ground" offense but i call it camping for city slickers because its just not real.
I want to go once just for the experience you never know MAYBE i'll like it. But one thing is for sure if i go i will be armed with

Re: MR. Spice....whichdo you prefer?

Hello gals.
How'd we get from Mr. Spice to camping??

We used to take the girls camping all the time when we lived in Atlanta, we'd drive the 3+ hrs to get to the Smoky Mtn...BEAUTIFUL!!! And it would be dark by the time we arrived, so we'd set the girls in the car and put up the tent in record time (nowadays it's so much easier than a Brady Bunch tent)
There are no shower houses, no hot or even warm water, just freezing cold mtn water, but thankfully they had bathrooms...but they had spiders in the corners...EWWWW (I'm joing the spiderless group) anyway...

Once, when we went up there, my middle (then the youngest at 3) puked all over the sleeping bag. Poor thing, I had to take her in the bathrooms and wash her off with freezing cold water. I thought her teeth were going to shatter they were chattering so bad. Threw the bag outside of the tent (I figured if a bear really wants it, he can have it. Yes, bears walk through the campsites, ooh another fun story)

So, now we have moved up in the camping world. Our friends have a very nice 30' trailer with HEAT & A/C, 3 TV's, a microwave and toilets with NO SPIDERS!!! LOL.
Yes, yes, that's so not camping, but hey, we've been through the whole sleepign on rocks and I'm pretty much over it.

Okay, for the second story...

My oldest (7 at the time) was placing Frito's across the road and down the hill to our campsite and our friend who lives there asked what she was doing...
"I'm trying to catch a bear"

Re: MR. Spice....whichdo you prefer?

I am not a huge fan of the outside myself. I just don't how you guys do it. I guess I am too city girl. I would be like in the Parent Trap when they took obnoxious soon to be stepmother camping. I would be her!

Tracy there is not reasonable explanation for this off topic thread. We stop trying to fight it and just go with it and instead.

Re: MR. Spice....whichdo you prefer?

hubby has been bugging me for years to go camping and I keep putting him off saying at first that my daughter was too young and then that my son was too young but that excuse is running out as they are both old enough now, I will have to come up with something else as I am not a big fan of camping.

Re: MR. Spice....whichdo you prefer?

Shaa...I'll just have to remain a "city slicker" camper...and that is just fine with me!

But, you go and enjoy the experience of it!


Re: MR. Spice....whichdo you prefer?

There is nothing like sleeping under the stars and falling asleep to nature's lullaby. I grew up tent camping on islands on Lake Ouachita in Hot Springs, Arkansas. We would go every weekend and tent camp, and water ski.

My soon to be ex had never been camping until last spring, he decided he didn't like it when I had a friendly encounter with a rather large racoon. Rocky (that's my name for him) came up for a chat by the fire, I had to let Rocky know that he wasn't welcome at that time to come back and visit when other campers were there. My husband didn't think it was cute and wanted to go home then. Such a city boy.

Re: MR. Spice....whichdo you prefer?

The animals wouldn't bother me it would be insects that I am not fond of.