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Lynsay's Forum
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Re: Hey, Acal...

I use my car visor just to make there is nothing on my face before I head into work. My hair has a mind of it's own so I don't even try to control it.

Re: Hey, Acal...

Re: Hey, Acal...


Re: Hey, Acal...

at least you aren't like

Re: Hey, Acal...

Gena you and any other mother out there amaze me. I still don't know how you do it day in and day out. Truly amazing!

Re: Hey, Acal...

Its a technique called zoning out!! You learn it after your first turns about 4 and starts talking back to ou!!

Re: Hey, Acal...

Well I bow to your

Re: Hey, Acal...

Re: Hey, Acal...

Gena, I know exactly what you mean about the zoning out! my daughter has started the temper tantrums, the full on throw yourself down kicking and screaming, I just thank god she knows better than to do it in public but now my 2 year old is starting to copy her, my mom laughs when I tell her about it, she says that it is pay back for what she went thru when I was a kid, that so doesn't help me to hear that LOL!

Re: Hey, Acal...

My 4-year old doesn't do the full on tantrums but I've had to send him to his room a lot lately for sulkiness. He'll ask for something and if he doesn't like the answer, he will pout and grumble and start scuffing his foot on the floor (kind of kicking it, KWIM?). I just tell him to go upstairs to his room until he's done with that kind of behaviour which usually makes him start crying. I just stand firm and he'll go upstairs and after about a minute or so he'll come back down. Not with a smile on his face, but without the obvious mad at the world look either.

I tell my kids that I understand it's frustrating not to be able to do what you want, when you want but I'm not going to put up with that kind of behavior. If they want to sulk, they have to do it somewhere else! They need to learn how to control their emotions or there will be consequences.

I've only had to deal with one public tantrum and that was with my daughter when she was around three. It was at a gymnastics center when it was time to leave and she didn't want to go. Luckily it was just in front of a bunch of other moms so I only received sympathy instead of glares.


Re: Hey, Acal...

Those public tantrums have to be the worse. It's not like you can punish your kids right there without seeming like a parent who abuses their child.

Still don't know how you do it.

Re: Hey, Acal...

Take a husband, or any man for that matter, to the doctor, and then when he doesn't follow what the doctor prescribed when you get home for several days...well, then you will begin to tear your hair out and lose that remaining part of your 20yo self...although I only have that with my hairstylist's help, as it is!

Sheesh, what is it with men and doctors? Finally get them to go for an appointment, then they won't do what they are supposed to do!

SmileyCentral.comwren...who is so NOT a nurse and does not understand when a man will not follow doctor's orders!
That's time his head hurts
I'm going to say "don't wanna hear about it until you take your medicine!" That's what he does to me! There are times payback is well worth it!

Re: Hey, Acal...

Wren - I feel your pain. Mine was the same way, you had to force feed him medicine. Auggghhh! I always sent him to his mothers when he was sick, since he wanted to be babied and she would accomodate him. It was really sad.

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