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Re: Hey, Acal...

I remember Thunder Cats but I don't. Its weird, they are there just on the edge of my memory. Can anyone remind what they were?

P.S. Cindy glad to see you on the board tonight.

Re: Hey, Acal...

I remember those old trapper keepers but i cant for the life of me remember the name it had all those secret compartments in it you were considered not with it if you didnt have one. I just had a flash of another cartoon. Captin Planet!

Captin Planet he's our hero. gunna take pollution down to zero. yeah i had a life :D

Re: Hey, Acal...

You guys have the name right, they were called Trapper Keepers. See below:

You know what's strange? When my kids get their list of school supplies to be bought, it usually says, "no Trapper Keepers allowed".

What's up with that? Are these considered weapons now? Have there been incidents where students are whamming each over the head with them?

It's a strange world, friends.


P.S. Jill, by the power of Grace Skull?! *snicker* Wasn't it Grayskull?

Re: Hey, Acal...

remember those Pop-a-Point Pencils those were it man

Re: Hey, Acal...

GREYSKULL....HE-MAN! and his big green tiger,can't think of his nam!

I had trapper-keepers in school, but i can understand the "no trapper-keepers!"

after you used them a few months they stop sticking, and everything would fall out!!

Re: Hey, Acal...

Yes it was and I realized when I posted that I spelled it wrong. But it sounded good in my head.

These days they find all manner of things as weapons. I was never that creative when I was a child.

I remember Captain Planet. They had those really cool rings right?

Re: Hey, Acal...

my dad was in the military and worked as a supply- tech so we got all of our school stuff from him, none of the cool colored binder, pens etc.

we have just signed our daughter up for kindergarten and they gave us a list of things to buy. I couldn't believe how much they wanted you to buy and that all of it would be shared not just for her use. don't get me wrong I don't mind her sharing and I think that is good for her but the list was specific of brand names and such. is this normal for schools everywhere?


Re: Hey, Acal...

i looked at my cousins school lists it the same here too

Re: Hey, Acal...

Its weird I have a lot friends with school age children. They all talk about the lists they get from the school supplies. I don't remember ever doing that when I was school. If the teacher had usually consist of a folder and notebook request for that particular subject.

Jodi my dad worked for the school system and we weren't wealthy so we usually had hand me down supplies from the school he worked for every year. Saved a fortune on school supplies.

Re: Hey, Acal...

I had a whole teacher's desk drawer full of "snap bracelets." The principal of the school didn't allow them, and the kids would snap them in the middle of class.

If I had to take it, you didn't get it back until the end of the school year! Grrrr.....mean teacher!

You all are making me feel aged, and not like a fine wine!


Re: Hey, Acal...


Re: Hey, Acal...

hey Jodi,

I live in florida and it is like that here. Then on the 1st day of school, they will come home with another list "wish list" it is insane.
Oh, and then about half way thru the school year, they will need more, so what I did, was I get all the supplies that is needed and send my child to school with enough and then keep the rest home. I know I sound like a horrible parent/mom, but my goodness, I spend over $100.00 in supplies before school (for 1 child) and then why do i have to supply everybody else. I know there are people who can't afford it,but there are a ton of school supply drives around the area. because when my child goes to use her supplies they are gone.
I apologize that i sound horrible, but I am venting. really, isn't that what our lottery supports??

Re: Hey, Acal...

I know, I have 2 kids in private school in Florida....belive me its worse than public.! i have seen the lists from public school elemertary. Its about half a page. I have 2 pages each worht of supplies. Plus the "wish list", plus field trip money, plus tuition, plus anything extra they decide to add on during the year!
My other teaches at the same school in middle school, and I understand that they need supplies, but the stuff they ask for is crazy. disposable cameras, expo markers, printer paper??? what does the school supply for the teachers if we are outfitting their entire classroom!

Re: Hey, Acal...

Wren you weren't the type that didn't allow chewing gum in your class were you? Say it isn't so.

I don't know how you parents afford it. These lists sound really expensive.

Re: Hey, Acal...

she was the no fun teacher

Re: Hey, Acal...

Well I am glad she changed her ways

Re: Hey, Acal...

Here too. Well remember we actually haven't met her yet. She may just for us bring them snapping bands.

Re: Hey, Acal...

Cool. I wonder what else she was able to confiscate. I bet a whole treasure trove.

Re: Hey, Acal...

now look what image you brought... Yo Ho Yo Ho

Re: Hey, Acal...

Hmmmm....pirates. My favorite

Re: Hey, Acal...

Well in 8 months I will see them haha. Will be thinking of you sisters when I am in the Islands of the Exotic Caribbean!!!

Re: Hey, Acal...

Sure rub it in. It's okay. I am going to hide in your luggage so there.

Re: Hey, Acal...

That'll work. Just remember On board ship my luggage is limited to 40 pounds.
I know you are what 5 over??

Re: Hey, Acal...

A defense essay...

Ah...yes, the riverboat casinos were supposed to take care of all Mississippi's educational needs, too. Nothing has really changed...but legalized gambling such as lotteries and casinos are a whole different topic. And the "educational benefits" of having it are a political diversion when it's introduced.
Call me cynical, but I think the idea in gaming is for the "house" to win.

I can't really tell you where all the money goes. Some of it is caused by national and state/province criteria, and there will always be some unwise use of funds. Don't forget...schools supply more than just teachers...there are buses, cafeterias, school nurses, administration, textbooks, just to name a few...and a basic classroom...meaning desks and chalkboard/whiteboards for the most part. Remember those little alphabet strips above the chalkboards...the teacher bought that and anything else that decorates or supplements in the classroom, unless it was donated by a retiring teacher, etc.

G3 & J4...emailed last night explaining a bunch about schools and supply lists...Oh, and the kids could chew gum...when I gave it to them!

Oh, everyone, it's complicated, too political and it's way too much to explain and not the right place on this forum.

Just trust me trust in me, just in me...

Oh, sorry, family was watching The Jungle Book animated version and I love that movie...anyway, back on the current topic of school supply lists, etc.

Here you can trust me...your teachers are doing the best they can. And what you don't provide ends up coming out of their pockets, not the school district. Along with the bulletin board materials in the classroom and halls, most of the supplements used in the classroom, many teachers buy their own copiers because you are limited on how much you are allowed from the schools, all the little "treats" your children get from the teacher, it all comes out of a teacher's money.

I'm not being self-righteous. It's embarrassing to send out those lists at the beginning of the year or ask for more mid-term. And I was teaching public school 15 years ago. If you have a specific question, you may email me and I'll try to answer it for you to the best of my ability. Please don't shoot the messenger. As for here on the forum, that's all folks!

wren...going into hiding now

P.S. We homeschool for personal and religious reasons, not because we are anti-public or anti-private school. "Now class, open your History books to page 298 and we will pick up where we left off yesterday. Mr. Arimault makes history seem like we were there, doesn't he? Ben, will you begin reading paragraph two aloud for us? Pay attention, Gena and Jodi, and stop talking! There will be a pop-quiz this week. Jennie, bring the snap bracelet to the front and put it in my desk. That is your third warning, so it's mine until the end of the year. Jill, wrap the gum in a scrap of paper and put it in the trash can. Alright, Ben, you may start reading now. (Teacher checks time left for history, because children must be at computer lab at 1:00 which means walking over to the next building.) Let's all get back on topic! TCOB!"

TCOB = Take care of business!

Grrrr....mean teacher!

Re: Hey, Acal...

Wren you are the best. That is it though. I sitting in the back in class where me, Gena, Cindy and Jodi can play. Unless you bring in Lucern to teach as a substitue sometimes. Then you have my full attention.

Cindy bless your sweet heart. Of course I am only a little over 40 lbs. Only a miniscule amount.

Re: Hey, Acal...

Thanks now I have BTO in my mind

Re: Hey, Acal...

Hi C1, see you have joined in also! I thought you were absent from class, dear. I hope your field trip to see the pirates over winter break is a lot of fun. Yes, you may bring something in for show & tell, preferably an immortal in pirate dress!

Jill...I had an entire treasure chest of confiscated materials by the end of the year. And, I was one of the sweeter teachers...I did keep it and give it back on the last day! Plus, there were pizza and popcorn parties. I had to overlook a lot of the "trouble-prones" to make sure we had them, but I wasn't heartless. Actually, I wasn't tough enough, in most cases. Many teachers just threw stuff away that they was against the rules and in the school handbook, so they could do so.

Jennie, I gave out pop-a-point pencils as rewards...along with all kinds of other cool stuff!

I have always been FUN! Some fun is not shared with the children you are teaching, though!

Don't forget, I survived public school as a child also! Oh, as for Trapper try keeping 30 children per class organized with those things...they are awful!

Teacher wren...signing out!

Re: Hey, Acal...

Trust me, dear Jill...I had assigned seating, and you girls would be right up front on opposite sides. What, do you think I don't know all the tricks? After dealing with me on here for so long, little sis!

Plus, you would have assigned jobs to keep you busy and out of trouble.

Yes, I think it's an excellent idea to arrange Lucern as a guest speaker. Or not, since he doesn't speak all that much. Maybe he could just read out of one of his History texts for us...we better bring Kate or one of the other immortals in to help him!


Re: Hey, Acal...

Wren you are so the teacher!!

Jill...Mr. L is here tomorrow,

cindy,jill....hey don't worry bout the quizz!

He is so going to be teachers pet!

CINDY, JILL, If we were ever really in WREN's class....

Re: Hey, Acal...

They day Lucern is there I got dibbs on the front center seat. And I will fight for it.SmileyCentral.comWren for how long do you think you keep me busy though?

"Look for the Bear Necessities"

Re: Hey, Acal...

its the simple bear necessities of life!

Re: Hey, Acal...

Maybe we could hide her glasses? That way she wont see us!! heheheheh

Re: Hey, Acal...

Oh great idea Big Sis. Okay here's the plan you steal her glasses. I lead the troops to the back. And while she is busy looking for them then we can play

"Forget about your worries and your strife"

Re: Hey, Acal...

Cindy, Jill, good idea I am right there with you guys!

Re: Hey, Acal...

Well of course you are Jodi you have no choice. Guilt by association. We go down as a group.

Re: Hey, Acal...

the more the merrier

Re: Hey, Acal...

Besides its not like Teach can punish us all right?

Re: Hey, Acal... is all I'm sayin'

Re: Hey, Acal...

Oh my sweet AE4 sisters...and those guilty by association!

Steal my glasses, SmileyCentral.comwill you?

My sweet angels...I am sister W2...the power of premonition...past and future! I don't think I'll have much trouble finding them...and tricks in the present, I've got those down cold!

Oh, and I will send you to Principals Sands or Spice while our guest immortal is in class!

Never threaten a master teacher, a steel magnolia, or a fantastic charmed or it'll bite you in the butt, my babies!

the bear necessities, that's why a bear can rest at ease, with just the bear necessities of life,
...yeah, man!

Re: Hey, Acal...

Well, it is official...wren has lost it!
Hope you guys know that she was once sane...
lmao...I was hysterical,
Anyway, she is fun, ain't she?
That's what friends are for!


Re: Hey, Acal...

but bitting??? you are weird!!!!

Re: Hey, Acal...

Hi GypsySmileyCentral.comIt was great talking to you

Re: Hey, Acal...

Hey, don't let Gypsy fool you or lead you astray! Or is that what Gypsy is supposed to do

She ran a daycare, taught preschool, was a room-mom for four years while Kewie was in private school, then homeschooled her from 4th through graduation, while working as a florist during her high school years!There is plenty of teacher in her...when she isn't running around playing Tinkerbelle!

What does she know? She is as loopy as I am...but what can I say? I love her anyway!

So you can see,
We're friends in need
And friends in need
Are friends indeed
We'll keep you safe
In the jungle forevermore
That's what friends are for!


Re: Hey, Acal...


She went on to but she checks the forum each morning, so I'll make sure she sees your post!

She enjoyed talking with you, too!

Biting was a figure of speech, you know! I never bit a student...but I probably did bite an irl sister when I was very young, so don't count it out. And I was a fun teacher...I even smiled before Christmas! (They always tell newbie teachers to be tough and don't smile until Christmas. LOL) Also, I read really good books to my classes! But book reports and summaries had assigned books to choose from that I had read. Sorry, but I would know if the child had not read the book or didn't have a clue how to write the report that way.

Kewie won't even post...she doesn't want to be associated with her irl aunt and mom when we are in a loony mood...she is an introvert...I have no idea where that gene came from as Gypsy is 99% extrovert!
Gypsy is mild on the forum...she hasn't had a chance to finish the Lynsay books...needs new glasses , and no, mine won't work for her! We found a couple of the large type historicals, but the Argeneaus are not in large type that I know of. I wish Avon would publish them in large type. It opens it up for many other people to read and enjoy the books!

As for me, when homeschool graduations roll around, I am retiring from teaching. No pay, no retirement...
but the other rewards are out of this world! It will have been worth it.

Not teaching anywhere except maybe Sunday School, and only when I want to do so!

Approximately five years to go... We will have a major retirement from teaching party! Lots of cheesecake and chocolate cake and pizza and popcorn and nachos and little fancy finger foods and cokes (whatever kind you like) and Bubbly...and somebody better bring really good music! Unless you want me and Gypsy writing really good bad lyrics to old tunes! Not a chance!! I want something we can sing and dance too!

Yep...we will have to get together! I'll be both teary-eyed because my sons will be growing up and happy at the same time...will need all my sisters around for that! Also, Lynsay & Mr. Spice and Acal...he may want to make a trip to the US by then, who knows?

We are family...I got all my sisters with me

wren...sheesh, this is all going to happen when I'm turning into a "golden girl"...figure it out, because I can't bring myself to say the words or the number! It's better than the alternative...I'm ready for heaven, but I want to finish life on this side first!

Sometimes, reality bites, but mostly life is fantastic! Especially with Lynsay's sense of humor to get us through, and I'm not fooled because Dave's got a great sense of humor, too. They must, to put up with all of us!

Re: Hey, Acal...

Who's always eager to extend
A he-elping claw.....

That vulture scene was always my favorite in the whole movie! "Well, whatchu wanna do?" "I dunno, whatchu wanna do." "Now don't start that again........"

Re: Hey, Acal...

I like the vultures, too, Denise!

So, what cha wanna do?


Re: Hey, Acal...

My favorite scene too. Great minds think alike.

"And when your lost in dire need, who's at you side at lighting speed"

PS Wren you realize that if you send to Principal Sands I will somehow use my flegdling powers and astro project Lucern there too.

Re: Hey, Acal...

Yeah, C1, Gypsy says the biting part was a little weird! I guess I didn't bite her when we were kids, after all. Too bad! I'm sure she deserved it at some point. Even if she did, I would have suffered the hot seat of consequences! Hmmm...Maybe it was Seashell...she was way more feisty! Then again, she may have bit me. We were more likely to tangle. LOL We also didn't let Momma & Daddy know when we tangled, unless we were caught.

Gypsy kept it mild-mannered so you were never sure what was going on with her. You know what they say about those quiet ones ..."Oh, and she seemed so normal!"

Gypsy says it was nice talking to you, too!

To be clear, my dear sisters & those guilty by association, I meant that the consequences would bite you in the butt, not that I would! I had to go back and see what I had actually written!

W2 who NOW really sees all including the fact that TD&H does not have a little bat on it, and who knows all because that is just a given!
Oh Lord, it's hard to be humble...

My fantastic glasses work very well, y'all! They would work even better if I would remember to keep them on my face! I can't believe I've read TD&H more than five times without noticing the missing ...All I can say is I was a lot more interested in the very noticable & delectable Bastien than the cover art!

P.S. When in teacher or mom mode...there really are eyes that come out of the back of my head, like an alien! Ask any teacher or mom...we all have them!

Bwahahahahahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahahha! wren

Re: Hey, Acal...

I did bite Gypsy when we were little, but she was my twin. We had to live in close quarters all the time. As the older sis, wren had her own room! I don't remember biting wren...just "borrowing" her make-up and jeans once in awhile. She had a real attitude problem with that. Hey, I didn't know until last year that she was buying them with her own money.
Besides, what happened to sharing with your sisters?
It often took me a good deal of my time to find where she had them hidden!

Gypsy and wren will try to put one over on you. Be careful. I'll pop in and set them straight from time to time!

Glad to meet you!

Seashell (Sherri)

Re: Hey, Acal...

"seemed so normal?"...
First, let's get some stuff straight,
1. I did not know she was buying the jeans with her own money...
2. I DID get bitten (but appparantly not by wren, no wonder seashell liked the Argeneaus so well.
3. wren is definitely more needs to be said about that, though..
4. Cindy, it was nice talking to you also, but I did hear her giggling on the phone with you...guilt by association?
5. I wish wren's glasses would work for me, it is very hard to keep up around here.

~a very not awake Gypsy this morning...I'll try and be more alert next time, and not as loopy myself.

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