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volunteer without fees

Hey I was wondering if anybody had any information about volunteering. I´m looking to find an organazation that doesn´t have program fees. Any ideas?. I only know this one without fees
but my Spanish is = 0 :(( any other not in Spain??


Re: volunteer without fees

I didn't know places charged. I voluteer at the Juvenile Diabetes Reserach Foundation. It is a great program mostly volunteer run. 85% or more of their giving goes directly to research, so voluteers I vital. They have all kinds of areas, office, out reach, their walk, their Gala...

Schools can be a great place to volunteer as well, even if you don't have kids going there.

Re: volunteer without fees

Some volunteer organizations do charge fees as an volunteer group known as auxiliaries. There are many other organizations that do not charge. Especially the small organizations like For The Child.

The Thanks Company 136 Woodberry Drive PO Box 220 Cherryville NC 28021-0220
Toll-free Phone or FAX: 888-875-0903 Regular Phone or FAX: 704-435-8828