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Our Schools In Kailua

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Re: Our Schools In Kailua

Regarding Schools in Kailua, ( and Hawaii)
I feel all teachers in the state of Hawaii,(and worldwide..) should be tested for drugs !
Our children are in their care, and deserve to be taught by those who are DRUG FREE !!
I don't believe that this is invading their privacy...its protecting our future, our children...

Re: Our Schools In Kailua

Just an idea, I would personally like to see all public schools in the state of Hawaii switch over to uniforms.
Not only does it help us save $$ on school clothes, but it helps some students with peer pressure...Any thoughts on this?

Re: Our Schools In Kailua

Sounds too 1984-ish to me. Personally I think mandatory drug testing goes against an individual's civil liberties and privacy. I came from a very regimented society where the government and the royal family dictates how you should act, how you should dress, how you should worship. Anyone going against that faces dire consequences, prison, caning, dismemberment, etc.

Civil liberties are easy to play with when you don't think they impact you. But they do. And the more you take away, little at a time, you will end up with a thoughtless society who is not encouraged to participate in free thought and a dictatorship ruled by fear.

It was not so long ago that someone recommended that all children be drug tested here in Hawaii. How would you like to happen to your child? If you say that's okay, then ask yourself...at what age would you start testing? High school, elementary, pre-school? You might think that's far-fetched. But all it takes is one incident for a young child to say they are addicted to drugs before someone starts saying that if this one child is taking drugs, they might all be taking drugs. Then the whole thing snowballs from there.

I've had family members "re-educated" in my country. Returning with mysterious injuries after expressing themselves. If that's what you want, then fine. But the last time I checked, I live in America...the land of the free.

Re: Our Schools In Kailua


I feel that all public schools should stay just that public -- I feel the worst thing that happened to Lanikai was it became a chartered school with an elite group running it..(this of course is my opinion)

As a former Lanikai student , a Lanikai School Employee and a parent of students that attended Lanikai from the opening of the school to the ending of a PUBLIC Community school ( TO me its not a public school but more of a private school )I seen the changes that some see was for the best but I seen it as a negative.
We live aprox 5 minutes from the school and have to send my children to another school because of the RACIAL/CULTURAL dealings with the school that our family experienced and it was a discrimination that had a negative impact on my children and their education.
Not only their education but their self esteem!!

I do hold animosity more so because I found out that they targeted my children "behind the scenes" - and it was all for $$$$$$$$$ reasons.. (funding towards certain things) I found this out through a friend of board member that later told me this!!And actually apologized ot me for them... And it made me more upset that people can play with peoples lives to that extent. So Shame On You Folks & You Know Who You Are!!!

I am thankful that Enchanted Lakes Elementary gave us a district exception and did WONDERS working with my boys to allow them to get a FAIR EDUCATION and they excelled and made the progress they needed.
My other two children older ones had no problems at Lanikai and even was Star Students - winning awards medals etc..

Some other people on the other hand also had no problems with Lanikai but there was a time that YES I even went to Keolu and they said they were not taking no more exceptions from Lanikai and when I asked them they said everyone had basically the same complaints.
Even some of the teachers were cut off for similiar reasons..
So thanks for letting me vent out !! I sure hope this stuff isn't still going on over there but I'm sure they weeded out all those they didn't find acceptable to their high standards.

Location: KAILUA- OAHU

Re: Our Schools In Kailua

Well, looks like the teachers decided to accept the proposal...regarding a pay raise, with ...random drug testing....

I would like to thank the teachers of Hawaii, this will help the teachers who use drugs, to perhaps be "drug free" as they teach our children to be. In addition to this, they may get the help needed.

The best part of this is...a pay raise ! for those who so deserve it.

Re: Our Schools In Kailua

Great News!
I do believe Teachers and Police should both receive pay raises!
As for drug testing yup! It's about time!
They drug test everywhere else why not the place that our children are at most of their days!
I remember having a stoney teacher when I was young - She was all mellow - ate a lot -- but she was okay and not harmful..So I wasn't too worried about the marijuana usage cuz many people use that as an alternative to meds less side affects.. and no I don't smoke or want it legalized.... but you start to thinking about teachers on ICE / Crystal Meth then you go whoa! cuz lots of professionals have been known to utilize this even at hospitals , believe it or not.. for keeps them up and able to do those 12-16hr shifts..
That is very frightening though -because, that drug could be very dangerous and set off someone from being sane one minute to delusional and violent the next.. It only takes that one time!
So drug testing is a great way to ensure our childrens safety..