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The Rogue Hunter

I just had to start the thread wren

I'm really looking forward to this! *sigh* still 5 months to go! I can't wait to see the cover! I'm speculating here but Lynsay said that Jean-Louise has *already* found her lifemate... So... what do you think of the chances that Mortimer's lifemate is Jean-Louise?

Re: The Rogue Hunter

Hey, I'm glad you went ahead and began the thread. I'm going to be out most of the day...but I'll try to check in later. We have an important doctor appointment to go to for my dh, so y'all be thinking about us, okay?

I don't remember about Jeanne Louise...I think Lynsay said she had about half of her story in mind...but I do remember that Lynsay said Mirabeau had already met her lifemate. However, I don't think she is Mortimer's lifemate. I'm thinking it's going to be an enforcer that he goes on a job with. That is my first guess, anyway. After all, there are both immortal and mortal female enforcers that work for the council!

Cindy is better at finding those older posts to help us get on track. She should be back in some today, since this is Monday!

I'll be thinking on this, and seeing what everyone has to say. Yes, it was time to get an official thread going on The Rogue Hunter! Good Job, Acal!


Re: The Rogue Hunter


Go ahead and bring over the part about his name meaning and stuff, will you?

I have to go, or I would post it. It's wherever we were talking about starting this thread.

Thanks, wren

Re: The Rogue Hunter

Don't have time actually gotta go to bed soon

Re: The Rogue Hunter

Then we will get to it later!

Re: The Rogue Hunter

GARRETT "English" Armed with a spear.
Mortimer "French" still water

Well theres 2 way to take this....

one thats not menacing, its actually very sad!! That he has been going on through life and is is a rut and dosn't bother to do anything anymore.

or 2 (the one i like best) he is incedibly menacing, its his patience that is the killer. Dosn't rush and can wait and wait until the right time!!....
its a good thing for any woman!

Re: The Rogue Hunter

does any one els thik GG should make another aprience i think Mirabeau would be a good match for him hehe

Re: The Rogue Hunter

I loved GG!...he was so sweet and funny!!
copper...but even though we havn't been able to squeeze anything out of Lynsay about Mirabaeu's story yet, she did say that both Margeurite and Mirabeau have met JEAN-LOUISE's mate already....**(it was all on an older thread...)**
but I am pushing for GG and JL!

Re: The Rogue Hunter

ye good point forgot lol i just think lynsay gave us too much info on GG if he was only a side character she wouldnt have told us so much about him i really hope he turns up i a book soon and well now Marguerite knows him she will be seting him up too lol

Re: The Rogue Hunter

here to g

Re: The Rogue Hunter

Well I hope GG does find his lifemate as one of Argeneaus although at this point I am afraid to specualte who it might be.

I think that I am really gonna like the Rogue Hunter. Absolutely loved the VI and Acal I feel your pain. But we have to look at the glass half full. We have a full five months to re-read all of the series to be ready for the new release

Re: The Rogue Hunter

SmileyCentral.comk, way to optimistic....who are you? and what did you do with Jil!!

Re: The Rogue Hunter

Am I really that bad. I thought I was happy and optimistic all that time?

J4-Actually feeling rather cranky and was trying to NOT let it spill over to the forum

Re: The Rogue Hunter

who is GARRETT?

this is what i get for not having a perfect attendance here on the forum

Re: The Rogue Hunter

That's okay. Garrett is Mortimer from BMIYC. He is going to be the subject for the new Lynsay book in Sept.

Re: The Rogue Hunter

Is his name Mortimer Garrett or Garrett Mortimer?


Re: The Rogue Hunter

hmmmmmmm garrett mortimer kind of i'll get used to it

Re: The Rogue Hunter

Shaa...if you go to the thead..ROGUEHUTER all his details, (at least the only ones we know about as of yet) are on there....He was Morty! as Leigh wud call him in BMIYC! his is the next book comming out!!SmileyCentral.comhappy dance!

Re: The Rogue Hunter

As far as I know it is Garrett Mortimer. I think Garrett is growing on me.

Re: The Rogue Hunter

ohhhhhhh Shaa
no ones ever called me that before
i like it
thanks gena

Re: The Rogue Hunter

I was hoping you wouldn't be offened, but i forgot how to spell your name correctly, so i tried it out!!

Re: The Rogue Hunter

LOL dont worry about it nobody ever gets my name right the first ten times,i just laugh it off and put it on my book of potential nicknames

Re: The Rogue Hunter

is it a nickname, your real name??? how did you come by it?? its very inrtesting.

Re: The Rogue Hunter

yes its a nickname this one guy gave it to me because he couldnt say my name so one day he said "well you know what? im calling you shaashaine from now on so there!" (he was cute so he got away with it)
my real name is Reshaine Villanueva Ferrera...its a mouthful so shaine or shaa is fine

Re: The Rogue Hunter

Wow. Do you get tired of people buchering your name?

P.S. I would be one of them. I think I will call you Shaa too if you don't mind

Re: The Rogue Hunter

nope i dont mind i like my new nickname
man when i have kids they are going to have the most plain name in the world, well ok maybe not plain but you know easy to hmmm christian, nathan, ethan, you see a pattern here? i am in love with the th sound

Re: The Rogue Hunter

oh man, i have troble trying to remember names like susan or maggie or beth...i am sticking with SHAA!!!

Re: The Rogue Hunter

I don't blame you. Although want to hear something ironic? When I was younger I felm my name had always been too short for my liking, especially when filling in the boxes on standarized tests (really bothered me that I only took up four squares -its the little things)

Now that I am older I like my short simple name. No way to mess it up.

Re: The Rogue Hunter

who thinks Marguerite is going to have somthing to do with how the couple end up together

and lol you lot are so easly distracted hehe

Re: The Rogue Hunter

i dont think meany people hear use there real or full version of the name

Re: The Rogue Hunter

Oh if the lifemate is an Argeneau I certainly think so

Re: The Rogue Hunter

she probably will..she "helped" everyone else get their lifemate

Re: The Rogue Hunter

Of course Marguerite will somehow be involved. She will be halfway around the world and somehow manage to get them together. Looked how she hooked Lucian and Leigh up.

This is a piece of cake for her.

Re: The Rogue Hunter

***posible AV spoilier***

or VICTOR and ELVI!!.....
Marguerite got them together, and it was chance stopping for dinner....Hey, does anyone else think that she put the idea in there heads to take out the personal add! its very clever of her, a sure way to get Victor...YUMMY! there in person!

OOOOOO! you think VICTOR will be in it, since he works with Garret!! ( I am really liking GARRET all of a sudden!) GARRETT, GARRETT, GARRETT!!

OOOOOOOOO! VICTOR, VICTOR, VICTOR!!(sorry, my inner Elvi iscommng out again!)

Re: The Rogue Hunter

Almost posted this on the wrong thread.

I wonder how the nanos will affect Sam. Remember all the other female mates wanted to be thiner. Here is a woman who is thin. Makes you wonder if that is her perfect her.

C1 of the AE4

Re: The Rogue Hunter

Oh yeah good question? Because the nanos only make you a your peak physical condition right?

Re: The Rogue Hunter


Re: The Rogue Hunter

very true.....It will be funny to have someone actually want to put on weight!!
maybe she will be diapointed to know she didn't get curves and big boobs she probably have always wanted!!
I love Lynsay's charaters... they don't have to be perfect 36.24.36 girls...they are true to life charaters that we can relate know!!!

Re: The Rogue Hunter

How is that smilie even standing up. Shouldn't she tip over or something

Re: The Rogue Hunter

hey atleast she/it wont drown coz of the built in floating device

Re: The Rogue Hunter

You girls are bad today! Boobs like that are so out of proportion with the bdoy it just doesn't fit. It looks like shes dragging bags of jelly with her

Re: The Rogue Hunter

Maybe they're stuffed

Re: The Rogue Hunter

*snort* Stuffed with what? I saw a picture of this woman with the most gigantic knockers you'd swear she was carting around watermelons!

Re: The Rogue Hunter

Acal is looking up pictures of Pammy Andersen again. For Shame!!

Re: The Rogue Hunter

Nope.. certainly not her I was looking up something on google for chemistry and a picture of this obscenely breasted woman popped up! Can you say AIRBAGS or what?

Re: The Rogue Hunter

Yea, Acal....
you talk like that ith us, bu as every man i know would say....
"if they ar ewill to show, I am willing to look!"

Something tells me yo wouldn't run and hide if she came up to you!!

G3 of the AE4! (just starting a little trouble, with the men in the group!)

Re: The Rogue Hunter

Sis I think they can make enough trouble without any help from us .

We are the innocent AE4

C1 the happy to have her computer back of the AE4

Re: The Rogue Hunter

I know that if I was on a plane with Pam and a floatation device was needed I would not be reaching under my chair I'd be reaching for...her waist?

Re: The Rogue Hunter

Keli...i know she had them reduced AGAIN! for like the 400th time!
but they would still probably work better the those stupid little things they put under the seats!!

C! get a very special happy dance for having your computer back!

G3 of the AE4!

Re: The Rogue Hunter

Everyone knows that Baywatch was not a number one tv show because of quality stories. Especially half the guys I know would turn it off after the running sequence in the

But in defense of men, if she is willing to flaunt it you can't expect them to say no.

Re: The Rogue Hunter

g3 thanks c1SmileyCentral.comof the party AE4

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