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Tall Dark and Hungry

I just wanted to make a thread here for it, there doesn't seem to be seperate threads for most of the stories

I loved this book, I like Bastien much more now The intimate scenes were soo hot, and the crazy scenes, poor C.K!

Re: Tall Dark and Hungry

poor Bastien, you had to feel sorry for the guy...
start, stop, start, stop...then she couldn't even spend the rest of the night with him!

Re: Tall Dark and Hungry

My favorite part in the story was they came back to the apartment to find Vincent snacking on the housekeeper.

Re: Tall Dark and Hungry


Loved how Lynsay made Vincent seem like the troublemaker in the family

Re: Tall Dark and Hungry

It kinda of broke my heart a little though for Bastien. When he thought losing of Terri and how Vincent would be there to witness again. And then Vincent said he didn't enjoy witnessing the event either time.

Re: Tall Dark and Hungry

yea it was bitter sweet...he was afraid of loosing someon else and going through all that again....

but Bastie and Vincent were able to stat patching their freindship they had in the past...

Re: Tall Dark and Hungry

Yeah it had a good outcome. Poor Vincent he kept getting slapped down whenever he wanted a small snack.

Re: Tall Dark and Hungry

Hehe, but Vincent was trying to snack on his guests though! Don't do in others homes what you wouldn't do in yours

Having their relationship getting put back together is great, maybe now Vincent can also get to repairing his relationship with his father now that he's found Elvi

Re: Tall Dark and Hungry

yea, i am hoping! Victor says to Elvie that they should be going to a long past due visit with his son! I hope we get to be a part of that!

Re: Tall Dark and Hungry


Re: Tall Dark and Hungry

I don't know. Both Victor and Vincent have very strong personalities. It isn't going to be an easy meeting. I think it will take both Jackie and Elvi to smooth the way a little.

Re: Tall Dark and Hungry

hmm yeah, I think Jackie might take it upon herself to go have a chat to Elvi

Re: Tall Dark and Hungry

Oh I beleive Elvi and Jackie will get along wonderfully. It will be Victor and Vincent who will be have the fireworks between a little. Like I said strong personalities.

Re: Tall Dark and Hungry

I think that would work wonderfully though! But its a shame that Lynsay can't get around to revisiting any of our favourite Argeaneus until she's finished writting for all her characters

Re: Tall Dark and Hungry

the girls would get along fine...Elvi seems to be the type to get along well with anyone!!

as for the guys....Victor and vincent do have strong son! but they have both changed a lot thanks to the women...i think it would be awkward at first and i would expect them to be buddy-buddy or anything, but they will be a start and its not like they don't have time to take it slow!!

it reminds me of an earlier post...(
I can't find it right now, so whoever posted it i am sorry)

We were trying to picture that reunion...Victor showing up on Vincents doorstep and with out saying anything steps forward and gives Vincent a big huge!! the face on that man would be priceless!!


Re: Tall Dark and Hungry

Victor doesn't seem like a hugger. Maybe a strong handshake. But it would be totally amazing if when he did see his son the first time in how long that he gave one of those big bear hugs. Ooooh I love hallmark moments like that.

Re: Tall Dark and Hungry

Well you know theres always room for short stories and such Maybe when Lynsay has the spare time maybe she can write a list of short stories and stack them into a new book

Re: Tall Dark and Hungry

That is whats it so funny to think about....

Victor is not rally a hugger at all (except for ME!!...oh, i mean ELVI!)but that is what makes it so funny....

Vincent standing by the doorready to open the door is suprised enough to see his father through the peep-hole, but thn as soon as he opens the door, WHAM! Victor grabs him and holds on for dear life!! why to funny!

Re: Tall Dark and Hungry

Oh yeah and Elvi is standing back there staring..

Re: Tall Dark and Hungry

Elvi may even join for a group hug. Oooh too sweet.

Re: Tall Dark and Hungry

Yeah then add Jackie in there

Re: Tall Dark and Hungry

leave it to ACAL to take something really funny....and make sound like something really interesting (can we say...MANAGE A TOIS or quatro asthe case may be!!!)

Re: Tall Dark and Hungry

You gals are cracking me up with your banter.

This was my first purchase as the library had too many people on the reserved list so I am very happy with it. I almost donated it to the library as usually when I'm done reading a book I throw it in a box and forget about it, but this one is definately staying on my shelf. Mine, Mine, Mine!

Bastien is just too sweet! He can't catch a break.
I felt so bad for him when Teri up and disappeared from the reception.
The reunion was Hot, Hot, Hot!
And now I laugh when I read in VAF "Bastien wouldn't let me out of bed for a week after my turning"

Honey, it had nothng to do with your turning!

Re: Tall Dark and Hungry

Heh, I think she thought it was because her body was still 'vulnerable' But I bet that Thomas kept Inez with him for a week after the crisis was over

Re: Tall Dark and Hungry

I bet all the immortals and turns stayed in bed for a lot longer than a week. Let's see Greg had already got to "interact" with Lissi right after turning and I don't think he was too vulnerable.

Re: Tall Dark and Hungry

I like how in Vampires Are Forever they mentioned that Bastien wasn't acting like himself (Forgetting to tell Thomas or Etienne about having Inez meet him at the airport was out of the ordinary for detail oriented Bastien!) because he didn't take some time off to "get it out of his system" like the others did. So Terri not being allowed out of bed for a week isn't a good example to use. Thomas might keep Inez in there for a month or more!

Re: Tall Dark and Hungry

Poor Bastien Terri probably wasn't helping things, she probably just wanted to lock Bastien in the bedroom with her

And Bastien complaining about his siblings and their 'lusts' at the start of the book.. It looks like Lissiana and Greg still hadn't 'gotten it out' of their system after two years

Re: Tall Dark and Hungry

Maybe after a few hundred years or so. That's how Lucian described it.

Re: Tall Dark and Hungry

hehe yeah Lucian would know though considering he was there when the volcano ravaged his home thats a loooooong time. Especially when you serve in the Egyptian army, the Greek army, the Roman army and the European armies of the middle ages!

Re: Tall Dark and Hungry

Hi, and a BIG WELCOME to the fabulous forum!

I see you are one of our newest "turns."

That's what we call those who pick up one of Lynsay's books, join the forum, and her books go on the keeper bookshelf forever! Good girl...I liked how you put it...Mine, Mine, Mine...could not have said it better myself. That is saying something, because I am our resident essay writer as far as posting goes.
I seldom have a "short" post!

You will love this forum. It is the best anywhere!
We are all great friends, and the Spice Team (Lynsay, Dave "Mr. Spice" our moderator and Lynsay's irl dh, House Elf Tori aka Terri-Lynsay's assistant, and Emma, the Spice's cat...yes, really, our resident cat who writes great editorials in the newsletters when she feels like it )keeps us all warm, friendly, and a big, happy Argeneau family!

If you haven't yet, sign up for the newsletters. There is a place on Lynsay's website...just go where it says "For Readers" because you don't want to miss out. They are super fun! Also, Lynsay has a blog... and also a myspace page...the blogs are the same on both, I believe, so it's really your preference. From Lynsay's, you can get to spice-the-cat (Dave's blog)...just look under the bloggie list. It's always good reading, and he always has great music.

Others may have already given you all this info...but we like to make sure everyone gets in on everything. You won't find an author anywhere that treats her fans better, or who has a family that interacts with her fans the way Lynsay's do with us. They give us a lot of leeway to banter and have fun, too.

So, jump on in...I'm happy to meet you!

Btw, Gypsy & Seashell are my irl sisters, but you will see Gypsy more often...and Cindy, Gena, Jill, are my AE4 sisters...and Jodi is my NT Canada bookpal will catch on quick to our antics. See how many friends you make?

Oh, and don't believe everything they say about me, ok?

wren SASSy Reader and Instigator of Forum Fun

P.S. This is the only "official" Lynsay Sands website and forum...if you see it here from the Spice Team or need an answer to a question, you are in the right place! Also, SASS stands for Sands And Spice

Re: Tall Dark and Hungry

Thank you so much for making me feel so very welcome.
I actually have friended her on my myspace page :) *big grin*
Woo-hoo, people get excited they have a singer/actor as friend,s I'm much more proud(is that even correct english?) to have Lynsay as my friend
I have only been part of one other group and that is the ORBS (Older Roswell Believers) for the TV Show Roswell. I am sad to say I have not been abe to pop in and hang out with them as much as I'd like in the past year. I've made so many friends online, hubby hates it. He thinks the Internet is 'evil' lol.

I thought I had signed up for her newsletters, but I will double check. I'd hate to miss out n anything happening.
I love that she actually gets on here and chats with you guys, just makes her 'real' ya know. Not some snobby, money-grubbing, better than everyone kind of loser that people seem to turn into when they've come into success.

I also love her historical stories as well.
Love is Blind
The perfect Wife (Poor kids)

The library does not carry most of her historical stuff, so I may have to use my coupons I keep getting from 'big name bookstore' to check those out.

gotta go 4 now. Laters


Re: Tall Dark and Hungry

Tracy you like Roswell. I loved that show. I miss it alot. I loved Max.

Re: Tall Dark and Hungry

I liked it in the beging but it got to predictable after awhile, and I board!SmileyCentral.comso i stopped,

how did it end in the end after all that anyway???

Re: Tall Dark and Hungry

I used to love Roswell too! The first season was the best, second season was okay and then it did get a bit far out for me. I loved it in the beginning mainly because of Max! I thought it was so romantic how he had all of those memories of Liz from when she was just a little girl.

I guess the love story between them was the main draw for me, the alien thing was a distant second. When the emphasis of the show shifted away from that, so did my interest. *shrug*

I remember watching that show by myself in the bedroom of our first apartment while my husband was on campus for an evening class. I had to watch it in the bedroom because I was using the VCR in the living room to tape Family Guy for him! Wow, that was back in 1999, pre-kids! This was before Tivo and DVRs too. It's weird how quickly we start to take things for granted, like they've always been around.


Re: Tall Dark and Hungry

I know what you mean. I was cleaning out my room (finally, guess I am pack rat) and found stuff from when I was in high school. That was about 10 years ago. I feel I should keep some of the stuff and see if I can't give it to a musuem when I am old and grey.

Re: Tall Dark and Hungry


I just lost my 'novel' of a post!
I knew I shouldn't have upgraded to IE7
