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Something new: Who do you think is Christians mother?****IF YOU HAVE NOT READ AT LEAST THE FIRST 6

My best friend and I were discussing Marguerite's story.( of course we discuss all of them in depth) And I was playing devils advacate I do very well).
We were trying to see if we could guess who Christian's mother is.
And I said it would be very interesting if Marguerite were Christian's mother. After all she knew Julius Notte through her husband. Not to mention that Marguerite named her dog SmileyCentral.comafter him. Then there is the fact that there is two hundred years between Lucern & Bastian. And only
one hundered between Etienne and Lissianna. Then again his mother could be someone we have never heard of. But it is fun speculating.

Cindy ( who has too much time SmileyCentral.comon her hands re-reading all 7 books and trying to figure what's next)

Re: Something new: Who do you think is Christians mother?****IF YOU HAVE NOT READ AT LEAST THE FIRS

No I can't see that. She loves all her children and she states in on of the books (Can't remember without looking it up) just because you can have a child every hundred year doesn't mean you do. But it will be interesting to see how it is.

Re: Something new: Who do you think is Christians mother?****IF YOU HAVE NOT READ AT LEAST THE FIRS

Hmmm, Cindy I've got to give this one some thought. Today my brain is mush because I have a bad
cold. It's making me and I'm having a nice little pity party for myself. I don't even feel like reading.

Interesting topic though...Wren, off to take a nap

Re: Something new: Who do you think is Christians mother?****IF YOU HAVE NOT READ AT LEAST THE FIRS

get some rest wren. hope you feel

Re: Something new: Who do you think is Christians mother?****IF YOU HAVE NOT READ AT LEAST THE FIRS

Feel better Wren!

Re: Something new: Who do you think is Christians mother?****IF YOU HAVE NOT READ AT LEAST THE FIRS

I think it's Martha Stewart.

Re: Something new: Who do you think is Christians mother?****IF YOU HAVE NOT READ AT LEAST THE FIRS

OMG that would be funny

Re: Something new: Who do you think is Christians mother?****IF YOU HAVE NOT READ AT LEAST THE FIRS

DAVID SPICE!! Stop giving away spoilers!!

Mrs. Spice

Re: Something new: Who do you think is Christians mother?****IF YOU HAVE NOT READ AT LEAST THE FIRS

Thanks, everyone. I feel so loved!


Re: Something new: Who do you think is Christians mother?****IF YOU HAVE NOT READ AT LEAST THE FIRS

I don't think it's Marguerite at all but rather, someone else we haven't been introduced to yet.

Re: Something new: Who do you think is Christians mother?****IF YOU HAVE NOT READ AT LEAST THE FIRS


Actually it's not too far fetched that Marguerite could be his mother. From what we know of Jean Claude he would take off for a while and then come back and start bullying everyone again. Perhaps during a separation Marguerite met her lifemate and became pregnant. Jean Claude is so old that he is powerful enough to have erased her memory and anyone else connected to it.

Christian was born in England and his father was called there to get him and then left for Italy. Thomas tells Inez that he only went to England once and Jean Claude pitched a fit and apparently noone in the family was allowed to go to England. Inez asked why and he said he didn't know. Just that Jean Claude met Marguerite in England and they were there quite a lot for a couple of centuries and then sometime before Thomas was born England was declared off limits.

This is all speculation but if Jean Claude was powerful enough to totally erase this from her mind then it is possible. On this website under the book Vampire Interrupted it says "Julius Notte wants to protect Marguerite, and not because someone just tried to take her head off. She doesn’t know it yet, but she’s his lifemate and he’s determined to woo her" So we know that Christian's father is her lifemate. But why would Julius stay away? Could JC have threatened Marguerite? Was his mind erased? If he remembers, why would he not have returned after JC died?

The title Vampire Interrupted would fit as well if she was Christian's mother because Julius and Marguerite's life together would have been interrupted.

You know if we are correct, Lynsay is going to be so mad at us! We will have ruined her surprise! And yes, I am including you Cindy in this because you gave me the idea!

If any of this is too close to the truth, please feel free to delete my post Lynsay or Mr. Spice! I wouldn't want to be the one who gives away the ending!


Re: Something new: Who do you think is Christians mother?****IF YOU HAVE NOT READ AT LEAST THE FIRS

Dude, Kim~ That's deep =o I like...want to believe it now

Re: Something new: Who do you think is Christians mother?****IF YOU HAVE NOT READ AT LEAST THE FIRS


It was just deductive reasoning. Putting all the the facts we do know and trying to fill in the blanks. Then again I have this habit (some say bad) of playing devils advacate. I personally do not want Lynsay nor Mr. Spice to deny nor confirm it. It is more fun just wondering. 26 more days and we will know the truth. Then again maybe we wont.

Re: Something new: Who do you think is Christians mother?****IF YOU HAVE NOT READ AT LEAST THE FIRS

I definitely think it's Margeurite... I've thought so since Jackie's book.

Re: Something new: Who do you think is Christians mother?****IF YOU HAVE NOT READ AT LEAST THE FIRS

what I don't get though, is, if Julius is her lifemate and Jean Claude knew about it, why not just let her go and go in search of another lifemate (if they even knew a second lifemate could be waiting for them back then) I mean he obviously didn't love her, so it kind of makes me wonder how all her other kids were born...consensual or forced etc

and the important question...Is Jean Claude REALLY dead? Or is it at all possible that he wiped her mind of him (and the kids) and put it in their heads that he died?

Re: Something new: Who do you think is Christians mother?****IF YOU HAVE NOT READ AT LEAST THE FIRS

I think it's safe to say that JC is really dead. He accidentally burned himself up, didn't he? I know he had a drinking problem but I can't remember the details of his death.

A first I didn't think it could be Marg. but now I'm beginning to think it is. The 200 year gap between Lucern and Bastien is suspicious and since Lynsay said "I can tell you that Christian is just over 500" it would fit. I think it's highly possible that JC wiped her mind when he realized what had happened, threatened Julius to stay away or Marg. would suffer, then made his family stay out of England to protect the secret.

Re: Something new: Who do you think is Christians mother?****IF YOU HAVE NOT READ AT LEAST THE FIRS

That's the story that he accidentally burned to death, but now I'm not so sure--of course I could be way off, but someone is obviously going nuts in VAF about Inez and Thomas getting close to the truth--the only one I can think who wouldn't want the truth revealed is Jean Claude

Re: Something new: Who do you think is Christians mother?****IF YOU HAVE NOT READ AT LEAST THE FIRS

I think they only found Jean Claude's ring. The immortals are very flammable, remember? So everything burns up without even leaving bone fragments. But if Jean Claude faked his death, he had to have a compelling reason to do so. Also, even if he did not have a good marriage with Marguerite since they were not lifemates, I think he would have still been very jealous and would have considered her his. He wasn't a very nice man in his later years...and divorce is kind of rare among the immortals, anyway.

I do know that if Marguerite is Christian's mother, her memory was totally wiped, because she would never have left any of her children voluntarily. Her maternal instinct is too strong.

wren...who is now verrry curious

Re: Something new: Who do you think is Christians mother?****IF YOU HAVE NOT READ AT LEAST THE FIRS

Interesting, Kim, that in the excerpt it says that Julius hasn't courted a woman in over 500 years. Christian is just over 500...Now I wonder...


Between Tiny and Christian, I think we will be seeing matchmaker Marguerite again soon!

Re: Something new: Who do you think is Christians mother?****IF YOU HAVE NOT READ AT LEAST THE FIRS

Marguerite said that she had shared nanos with Jean Claude and that because of this they were connected and she had felt him die and knew it was by fire.

More SPOILERS for those who haven't read "A Bite to Remember"

This is in A Bite To Remember after the pretend funeral for Stephano Notte. Tiny asks about immortal funerals and finds out that noone has ever been to one because most were burnt at the stake or burned in some other fashion so there was nothing to bury. Jackie is curious about the fact that nothing is left (bones,teeth, etc) and then Tiny asks how they know he is really dead then. That's when Marguerite speaks up. Jackie then wonders if she and Vincent are connected now since they bit each other during lovemaking. She also wonders about being connected to the saboteur since she turned herself using their blood/nanos. I wonder, if the council killed Lily, did Jackie feel it?

Anyway, it looks like Lynsay could never bring back Jean Claude from the dead. He's gone and good riddance to bad rubbish!


Re: Something new: Who do you think is Christians mother?****IF YOU HAVE NOT READ AT LEAST THE FIRS

That's right! I think it's time for a reread of ABTR. Since it is one of my personal favorites, that won't be too much of a hardship! I'll just go back and forth between Thomas & Vincent.


Re: Something new: Who do you think is Christians mother?****IF YOU HAVE NOT READ AT LEAST THE FIRS


Just be sure you keep them straight .With of all the bouncing between them. You do not want to confuse them. Don't get too tired now. You will need your strength in 25 days to keep up with Marguerite.

After I get done re-readingSmileyCentral.comThomas I am going to start from the beginning. There is just something about a certain "mean" person I just love to see goading and at a loss for words. hint hint.

C1 of AE3

Re: Something new: Who do you think is Christians mother?****IF YOU HAVE NOT READ AT LEAST THE FIRS

I'll be glad when this winter is over. Last week, I had a bad cold, and this week I've had the flu. Yesterday was a rough day. It's hard to think straight or read when you can't lift your head because of the pounding in it.

I don't get sick very often, so I'm quite pouty about it. I woke up in the wee hours, and checked the forum. So, if a post doesn't make sense, just ignore my ramblings.

I would go to the except that seems to be where I keep getting sick...from taking others to the doctor. LOL They had to go for other reasons, not colds or flu, so I know I'm getting those nasty germs there. Actually, this icky flu is going around rampantly right now. When we have had to change any appointments around, all the receptionists say that everyone is calling in with the flu.

Now I'm hungry but nothing sounds good to eat.
Very big pity party going on here, so I guess I'll go back to

W2 of AE3 wren...who will check in later

Re: Something new: Who do you think is Christians mother?****IF YOU HAVE NOT READ AT LEAST THE FIRS


Sorry to hear that you are down
also try a cup fo tea. It will nourish you until you feel like eating.

Hope you feel The temperature here is doing the same thing.
Will miss you sense of humor and input while you are under the weather. Wish it were spring.

C1 of AE3

Re: Something new: Who do you think is Christians mother?****IF YOU HAVE NOT READ AT LEAST THE FIRS

Wren, sorry to hear that you are sick again. Feel better soon! It must really be awful if you can't even read!!

I'm hoping I don't get whatever my kids brought home yesterday. It seems to be just a cold but the two older ones (7 and 5) had a mild fever with it yesterday, today they just have the cold symptoms but the youngest one is now running a fever. And we just had 8 inches of snow fall overnight so I spent a lot of time this morning shoveling but I had to keep running to the house to check on the kids. (School was cancelled for the second time this week. On Wednesday it was 0 degrees with wind chills from -20 to -30.) Thank goodness for television! Otherwise I wouldn't have dared leave them in there by themselves to get up to mischief.

I left some for my husband to do when he gets home from work but I had to do his side of the driveway so he could get in! He used the snowblower this morning before he left for work but a couple more inches fell after that. Then of course the plow came by and filled in the end of the driveway. Oh well. Good exercise, right?

I hope everyone stays in good health or gets better soon. And tea really does help. Even if you aren't normally a tea drinker. My favorite is Vanilla Hazelnut by Bigelow. Add a little milk and lots of sugar. It smells like those flavored coffees which always smell so good to me but I can't drink. Coffee had always made my stomach feel like I drank acid. *shrug* So I get my caffeine from Mountain Dew and tea. Oh, and Chai flavored tea is good too with the milk and sugar. Something about warming yourself up from the inside out feels really good when you are sick plus the caffeine in it helps with headaches. Something to do with the blood vessels in your head, either constricting them or relaxing them.


Re: Something new: Who do you think is Christians mother?****IF YOU HAVE NOT READ AT LEAST THE FIRS

hey just wondering when is VI beaing released?

Re: Something new: Who do you think is Christians mother?****IF YOU HAVE NOT READ AT LEAST THE FIRS


It will be out on February 26th.

Re: Something new: Who do you think is Christians mother?****IF YOU HAVE NOT READ AT LEAST THE FIRS

Cindy and Kim, thanks for planting this idea into my head. That would be cool if Margarite was Christian's mom.

Re: Something new: Who do you think is Christians mother?****IF YOU HAVE NOT READ AT LEAST THE FIRS

Poor sis, Feel better!

Re: Something new: Who do you think is Christians mother?****IF YOU HAVE NOT READ AT LEAST THE FIRS

Based on what was said earlier I am convinced too that Marguerite is Christian's mother. But I have one question, I was rereading A Bite to Remember and it mentioned Marcus with Christian. Is that his brother or friend?

He seemed to recognize Marguerite and he made that comment that she was the only one who could help Christian's mother. Does he know more about this situation then he let on?

Re: Something new: Who do you think is Christians mother?****IF YOU HAVE NOT READ AT LEAST THE FIRS

But if all of this is indeed the case--that they were lifemates and Jean Claude wiped her memory and stuff--if he IS dead why hasn't Julius come? I imagine he'd of kept tabs on her to make sure she was okay--and the moment he was dead--he'd go to her.

Ya um I need it to be here now so I can find out ;D

Re: Something new: Who do you think is Christians mother?****IF YOU HAVE NOT READ AT LEAST THE FIRS

I noticed that too, that (Christian referred to him as his cousin) Marcus seemed to recognize Marguerite and made that enigmatic comment about her being the best person for the job. When asked why? "Marcus merely smiled, then turned and followed the others".

I could swear I read something about the Notte and Argeneau families being connected somewhere (through business?) but I don't remember if it was on this message board or in a book. I don't own TDH, SWV or Etienne's story yet so I can't reread those at the moment. (I am expecting a gift card soon and will be using it to purchase them!) If anyone can remember if the Notte family was mentioned in earlier books that may be helpful.


Re: Something new: Who do you think is Christians mother?****IF YOU HAVE NOT READ AT LEAST THE FIRS


I honestly don't remember their name being mentioned before in the other books. It has been a while since read them last so I probably forgot a lot. But I remember thinking the name Notte was new to me as I read Vincent's story.

Re: Something new: Who do you think is Christians mother?****IF YOU HAVE NOT READ AT LEAST THE FIRS

Just to throw fat on the fire, did Marg. have a sister? Or maybe it could have been someone in her family line. She would have lost touch with them but Marcus, living in Europe still, may have kept tabs on them.

I still think it is Marg. though and we'll find out just how much of a toad JC really was.

Re: Something new: Who do you think is Christians mother?****IF YOU HAVE NOT READ AT LEAST THE FIRS

Hi everyone,

I'm recovering nicely. Thanks for the kind thoughts and the tea! Sorry, I couldn't find a teacup. And the winter is not causing me to shiver, so any fever must be gone! Head does not hurt, so I can finally read!! So, I will finish my reread of VAF. I did do the crossword when I started feeling better! (Reread on ABTR will have to wait, as Heather is flying through the books and is beginning Vincent's book.) The thought of food is not making me and I even managed chicken-noodle soup yesterday. Overall, I'd say I'm getting back to my old self!

***Various Ramblings---SPOILERS***

I do remember Marcus saying that Marguerite was best for the job, or something like that at the end of ABTR. So, he obviously knows something. I also think that Jean Claude may have been an old toad later in life, but even Victor...and still Armand, have been bitter, angry, and reclusive over just seems that Jean Claude turned to drinking. (I'm glad Victor was able to find his 2nd lifemate and move on, especially for G3 )

As for JC, the disease of alcoholism is a sad thing for the person & the families involved, and it seems like JC was a "mean drunk." At some point, he had to have been a fairly good guy...Lucien clearly loved him, and even with them being twins, he could see when JC began to go downhill. I do agree that something suspicious had to happen for JC to suddenly declare England off limits to everyone. The only thing I find hard to believe is that Marguerite would have stepped out on JC, no matter how unhappy her marriage even with finding her lifemate. With her, it seems it would have been a question of honor. (Think of SWV, she is Very Firm with Lucern, a vamp of over 600yo, about keeping his word and how he was raised!) Of course, somewhere deep inside, having found her true lifemate even if the memories are wiped, may be why she is so wise about lifemates and marriages between immortals. And, she may have thought JC dead, not knowing back then that she would feel the nanos telling her when he died. After all, he did wander, sometimes for many years, and then would pop back in, almost like he just showed up when it was time to have another child.

The other thing that I wonder about is that Marguerite has a connection with each of her children...I find it hard to believe that a connection like that could be wiped. Think back to Gregory in took Aunt Martine and Marguerite both to control him once he had put things together, and Martine had to be touching him. Even the oldest immortals have trouble the more a mortal or younger immortal knows. That is part of the reason Lucien showed some mercy, plus stuck Victor with small town living and the residents of Port Henry in TAV. Otherwise, he would have had to order them terminated, if they had known so long that they could not be wiped and were a danger to the immortals.

I also find it hard to believe that JC would have been able to guard such a secret from Lucien for so long. He lived several centuries and had three more children before his death, and during some of that time Lucien was around. As JC sank more into alcoholism, it seems it would have been harder to guard any thoughts from Lucien, especially before Lucien had a lifemate & only lived to protect his people. Twins often have a very special connection, and I think that at some time Lucien and JC had that. Actually, I think it is the reason Lucien did not have JC terminated, but was able to cover for his many goofs when he was drunk.

But I still wonder if Christian is related to Marguerite, even if she isn't his mother. As Marguerite is only just over 700yo herself, it is possible that Christian could even be her half- brother, a nephew, or some other family member. Although she had been turned and had already had Lucern, someone else in her family could have been turned also. JC may not have wanted her to know that or have any connection with her family of origin, and that could have been why he declared England off limits. Especially if it gave her somewhere to go to get away from him. Was JC a member of the council before his alcolholism became a problem? She even has a connection with the nephews and niece she has raised, so I think that maternal instinct and ability to read her own children would be too powerful to wipe from her memory completely & permanently. Of course, there is that 200 year gap between Lucern & Bastien, and the fact that Julius knows Marguerite is his lifemate, and that something caused JC to declare England off limits even though they had been there many times before. Also, whoever Christian's mother is, Julius had to come get him, and he has never revealed who she is, even to Christian. We know that Christian is a Notte, if only by his looks, but do we know that Julius is actually his father?? The more I type, the more I think Julius & Marguerite are Christian's parents...which means Christian's life as a single immortal is limited! I like it!!

wren...who is going in circles now so better just give it up for tonight I hope you can make some sense out of this one!

Re: Something new: Who do you think is Christians mother?****IF YOU HAVE NOT READ AT LEAST THE FIRS

SIS!! Glad you are back and feeling better. As for not finding a teacup you could use a glass.

According to Marguerite JC could always control her. If JC could wipe her mind, then maybe he could plant the idea the any other children did not exist.

Lucian was there because he just popped in also to meet Lissianna's mate. he did not really know about everything with Greg until he got there. Then basically sat back to see what would happen. As for Lucian being able to read JC because of them being "close", remember he also stayed his distance. Not only because of the grief over his lifemate, but also because he knew his brother was not nice. (That is putting it mildly)

Yes poor Christians days as a single vamp are numbered. When Marguerite puts her mind up to do something she does it. I like that in her. (Sounds so much like me)

Sis do not try to think so much after being ill. You might have a relapse and we do not want that. And yes you make perfect sense to me.

It is supposed to be in the 70's the rest of this week. This is winter?? I have to go back to Borders to return VAF. The blooming cover came OFF!!! It is just looks it never was attached.

C1 of AE3

Re: Something new: Who do you think is Christians mother?****IF YOU HAVE NOT READ AT LEAST THE FIRS

The thought popped into my head when thinking about the next book I realized that Lynsay is awesome so she most likely wouldn't bring some random women into the picture so I though all evidence lead to Margurite. She has to be the mommy if not then I would be shocked as anything. I also thing Jean Claude is Alive but he isn't as much as an ass hole...Gabi's theory she thought of while her imagination went wild. What if...Jean Claude had found his life mate but someone was out to kill him. His brothers had a plan just like Bastiens and Etienne's Plan with Inez except he thought his lover died. Thomas said he would have been suicidal and would have been bitter if he had lost Inez. What if that happened to Jean Claude except thinking his life mate dead he was ****** enough at his brothers and anyone who bothered him seeing Margurite had memories of seeing a lifemate for herself grew jeliouse and bitter and messed with her mind erasing her child and lifemate from her mind. Near the ending of his life(sorta)he found out two days before the fire that his life mate was alive and felt like **** for what he had done to his family. Unable to explain anything and relizing the killer was still after him to save his family he yelled scaring them from the house before a battle insued within the house he was steaked and the house burned. The killer thought his work was complete until he found out that Jean Cluades Lifemate saved him from the fire and took him into hiding trying to figure out what to do about the situation and the pain he caused his family. Present day the bad guys found out he was alive and desided to get him out of hiding by trying to kill the family he had starting with his Wife Margurite. Also they say in A bite to remember that she felt him dieing what if she just felt what his life mate placed in her mind to keep him and margurite safe. Also the reason his life mate wasn't dead was the fact that Lucien feeling guilty turned her before she was too far gone but kept her in hiding so she wouldn't be killed. Not haveing the chance to tell his brother between his rage one Lucien and his family Lucien felt guilty for the pain he caused when enraged by the fact he had lost his second love because hell he definatly had a love in Atlantis who looked like MArgurite.

Hows that for a crazy theory! I warned everyone I am crazy but what can I do

Re: Something new: Who do you think is Christians mother?****IF YOU HAVE NOT READ AT LEAST THE FIRS

Vampire Interupted****spoilers!!!******

******ooohhh...Conspieracy theory*****

Gabrielle....what if JC is the rogue that employed the European Council to go after M and Her kids!!
If he is still alive, that could be a good reason why he would want England off limits...
After I thought about it, I thought it was strange that he would want ENGLAND off LIMITS and not ITALY ( since that is where J is from) Maybe he is stil alive and the drinking and th guilt of whatever happened finally got to him and he snapped!!! so he faked his own death, and moved to ENGLAND, where he knew enough people he could hide out. Now that they are all there, he dosn't want J and M together, because they will find out the truh! What if in ABTR i wasn't JC death M felt, but hs lifemates. What if he felt the same thing she did. Finally, knowing she was dieing he left o find her.

WREN...I don't think M would have stepped out on JC, she'snot that kind of woman, but what if J found her and for whatever rason had to leave her. (there were afw cases...LUCIEN, just comes to mind, I just finished BMIYC...who considerd not doing anything about his lifemate.)because of what he does, he didn't want her hurt. Maybe he thought he would stay...they got together, and then he had to leave. Plus If JC was aready lusting after her, he didn't want to wait for his true lifemate, and turned her after he found that J just left her. That could be a reason why she was pregnant....JC took her out of duty ( in his mind!!, but then found his true lifemate years later..and started drinking because of being torn between duty and destiny!)
As far as a bond....If M was still motal when she had C, and then he was taken away and she had a council of 3, wammy put on her....she might not remember!!!However Lucien had to have been there, or the nme NOTTE wouldn't sparked a memory for him.


CINDY...there has been a few differet people say the same thing. They really have to do something about the books....I think Mr. Spice was looking into it...

MR. SPICE...have you found out anything about the covers faling off??


G3 of AE3 ( who is looking into a career as a writer for thr X_FILES!) SmileyCentral.combut who wont give up on her duties as a

Re: Something new: Who do you think is Christians mother?****IF YOU HAVE NOT READ AT LEAST THE FIRS


M could not have had C as a mortal. Lucern said it was something about the Nanos that would not let that happen. Also C is 100 years YOUNGER than Lucern. JC turned M because she reminded him of his Lifemate from Atlantis.

Then he found out she wasn't. That he could control her, etc.

C1 of AE3

Re: Something new: Who do you think is Christians mother?****IF YOU HAVE NOT READ AT LEAST THE FIRS

So if Jean CLaude turned margurite it would be against everything to turn his life mate if he found her. Gena I love you >.> these theories are making me so antiouse!!!!!! I really want to know but I love waiting. I am wired because I have always loved the excitment of waiting it makes getting the book even more worth while!!! But it is madening. I think I had some sanity left before this now there is none. JK Rowling sucked with her books because she left so much details out but Lynsay has every detail come back and make a big wammy! I know this is ganna be awesome! ***Spoiler ish Alert***** Jean Claude theory: yes he was a jerk gathered in mostly every book, and I suppose that would be a reason for everyone mentioning him at one time or another and the fact that he caused an impact in everyone who was near him could be why but his death everything seems so fishy! Honestly he could be dead maybe but I don't think he would be the kind of guy to terminate himself even with brothers who feared him a little or feared what he could do to himself...why would some random dude be after Marguirte or why the wouldn't want the children to interfer there is some stuff going on!!! Like mister tall dark and spooky who stole Inez's cab was at the resturant and basically pushed Inez away from something. That man could be anyone because Inez doesn't know what Julius looks like or Jean Claude plus he could have died his hair just in case she seen Lucian so Jean claude if it was him could have been in disguise. if Jean Claude is dead which I doubt I feel bad for him he probably lost his first mate or hell in Atlantis he could have loved someone who never loved him back thinking Marguirite looked the same but surley she couldn't be so cold. But he wound up being the cold one maybe he even realized it and thats why he drank. Or house burning down could have been an act. if he walked away from the it and Margurite thought him dead she could have even thought it was Lucien cleaning the mess up.

Re: Something new: Who do you think is Christians mother?****IF YOU HAVE NOT READ AT LEAST THE FIRS

WWHAHAHAHAHAHA! its part of my plan to unite the whole world under LYNSAY!SmileyCentral.comWWWAHAHAHAHA!!

OK, now that evil G is out of the way, There are so many questions I can't wait to get the answers for...SmileyCentral.comI started comming up with these theories....(even though some don't make sense ) just to pass the time!!

Thanks to Cindy's clock! ( that I know I asked for! ...I am going more SmileyCentral.comwaiting for time to pass!

C1, W2....I don't know what I would without you! a lot of the theories I write would make more sense if I could type faster!! SmileyCentral.comI start yping and forget about the little details...
like when C1 said; "M could not have had C as a mortal. Lucern said it was something about the Nanos that would not let that happen. Also C is 100 years YOUNGER than Lucern. JC turned M because she reminded him of his Lifemate from Atlantis."


Wren. old is C supposed to be? She couldn't be his half-sister if J is his father and M lifemate, could he!?

Gabrielle...I get a little punch drunk i the evenings
and crazy things occur to me....sometimes they are crazy enough to make sense! I just do them to pass the time...
I still say JC is alive....thats probly why he faked his death. If he found his lifemate after all, and had to turn her, and he already turned M, then he wouldn't want anone to know, or they woud have taken him out anyway!RIGHT???,,,,HUH HUH HUH!


G3 ( who needs her sisters to remind her that she gets to excited and forgets datails alot!)

Re: Something new: Who do you think is Christians mother?****IF YOU HAVE NOT READ AT LEAST THE FIRS

I love these theories. It tickles my brain hahahahahaha see it tickles >.> I love geeking out about the upcoming book. So So so so so so happy that it is coming out this month and not four months later Lynsay is such a genius. Gena your silly but hell all the theories make lots of sense even if there was one thing over looked that you forgot about. I can't wait to find out what we guessed right or what we thought wrong I am just so excited.

Self Proclaimed Genius~ Gabi~ I am not a genius thats why I am only self proclaimed teh heh

Re: Something new: Who do you think is Christians mother?****IF YOU HAVE NOT READ AT LEAST THE FIRS

GABRIELLE.....thats why I started them....

Lynsay will put a getting to know you on every now and then or something to that affect.

Wren will bring up opics for each of the books we have read...SHE IS GOOD AT THAT! (HI SIS! )

So I tried something new...I am glad you like them,

G3 of AE3 (by the way....hav you checked out the THEME SONG thread? we are trying to find soundtracs for the non-existent, up and comming tv/movie we all so badly!...its alot of fun to see how others persieve each of the characters)

Re: Something new: Who do you think is Christians mother?****IF YOU HAVE NOT READ AT LEAST THE FIRS


C is 500 years old.

C1 getting ready for substance.

Re: Something new: Who do you think is Christians mother?****IF YOU HAVE NOT READ AT LEAST THE FIRS

Yup I have checked it out. I was drawn to it because my and and a bunch of my friends have been talking about how The Argeneau books would be awesome movies! They would sell out the box office for sure