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Just an update..

I want to thank all of you again from the MSN board who kept me in your thoughts and prayers during my battle with breast cancer. I am happy to say, I have finished my treatments and am back to my old self. Sadly, and I feel like one of those people that has one drama after another here, on my last day of treatment, we found out my father has lung cancer. They discovered a mass that was not there in September that is the size of a small child's fist. It is inoperable, so we are waiting to see what can be done. I swear, I just can't seem to catch my breath this year. I guess we all have our challenges to face. We are staying positive and hope for the best, but will deal with whatever comes our way. I am very blessed to have the family I have and the parents I was lucky enough to get. They have led full and amazing lives.
Thank you again for all your positve thoughts.

Re: Just an update..

My heart goes out to you and your family. Wow. Can't seem to find the words. Keep the faith and will be hoping for the best.

Re: Just an update..

Kristin honey, I'm so sorry. You're having a really rough time of it just now. These things always seem to come one after the other when they start, don't they? Sheesh. My fingers and toes are crossed for you and I'm putting you and yours in my prayers. Hugs.


Re: Just an update..

So Sorry to hear about your Father. It is so sad when a parent gets sick...I mean we know they will probably go before us but at an old age. Cancer treatments are getting better all the time. This really touches close to home...My Mother Had lung Cancer...we knew hers would be terminal but with Chemo they would be able to add on time and they did... she lived two years after diagnoses...and it wasn't the Lung Cancer that she died of ...the tumors all but disappeared....but with the kind of Cancer she had, a secondary cancer usually shows up in the brain, bones or liver...her secondary cancer was in her liver.
She passed on about 12 years ago and is still missed...I am sure researchers have made strides in treatment since then...I will pray for your Father and family to help you all through this. If you need to talk know I am here...and I have a broad shoulder.

Re: Just an update..

Thank you again for the support. I am ok actually with dad.. you are right.. while it is hard to see a parent get sick, we know it is coming eventually. I am more worried about my mother. She is sooo completely devoted to him. He is her best friend and her life. They do everything together. She is going to be so lost without him. My sister and I have been planning ways we can keep her busy and active. I know she will need some time, but neither of us want to see her alone at home all day. We all live close.. my parents are actually in an in-law apartment in my sister's home. It will just be hard for her when we are all off at work and school and she is home alone. I have thought about looking into the red hat ladies group.. anyone familiar with them?

Re: Just an update..

I know these ladies seem to have a lot of fun, and are determined to do so which sounds good to me. Other than that I just know they do social things together and eat the dessert first

I gather some groups are more...well..organized maybe than others, or that they do more. Some go on trips to China and stuff. Some have just local fun outings once a month. Others don't do much at all.

I gather you could join with her Kristin and be an "aspiring red hat lady", but until you hit 50 you'd have to wear a pink hat and lavendar dress instead of the red hat and purple dress.

I don't think I'd mind being a red hat lady one day.


Re: Just an update..

OK.. great news!!!!! While my dad still has a spot in one lung they are sure is cancer, the large mass is NOT!!!!!!! They think it might be some kind of infection, but are truly baffled. They (all his doctors) are now waiting to put their heads together to decide what to do about the small spot and how to treat this mystery mass. My father only has one kidney (lost his other to cancer 11 yrs ago) and it is functioning only at 23% at the moment. They are going to decide if surgery to remove the spot is worth the risk or if they want just treat it with radiation and see if that reduces it. Thank you for all your thoughts, well wishes and prayers. I swear, my life is usually so uneventful! I know I must sound like a drama queen!!

Re: Just an update..

Heavens! You don't sound like a drama queen, Kristin. Drama Queens create half their rough patches and you didn't create these things, so....

As for the good news, that IS good news. I'm glad the big mass is not cancer and hope they can get rid of the small mass successfully and with as little discomfort to your father as possible. I'll keep him in my thoughts and prayers. And you too.


Re: Just an update..

Well.. while the pathologist and cancer doctor said it was cancer based upon the tissue sample they looked at during biopsy surgery, the rest of the tests are coming back inconclusive... so we still don't know what we are dealing with. It is frustrating. Just when we think we know and start dealing with the information, it changes. They have sent my father's tissue samples to Vanderbilt Univ. to see what they come up with. We hope to know something by Monday (tomorrow). In the mean time, they are treating him for an infection they found in his lung during the biopsy and he seems to be feeling a little better and is eating more. That is excellent news since he has had no appetite for so long. Keeping our fingers crossed!!!!
Lynsay... your books have kept a smile on my face. I have laughed myself silly reading The Deed and The Highland Bride. Thank you.

Re: Just an update..

I'll keep my fingers crossed that it's good news on Monday Kristin. In the meantime, it's good to hear he's feeling a bit better and found his appetite again. Be sure and let us know what they say on the biopsy.


Re: Just an update..

I am sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you all on here.. Dad's biopsy confirmed what we thought.. non-treatable cancer. He failed fairly rapidly and passed away on Good Friday. After seeing him so sick, it was a relief to know he was finally at peace. We had hospice involved and they were wonderful to him and my mother.. well all of us.
Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers.

Re: Just an update..

Hi Kristin,

Sorry to hear about your father, I know it's hard losing a parent. Let's hope the future is a little easier on you, you've had quite enough loss and stress for a while, I would think. Hugs


Re: Just an update..

Thank you Lynsay. Things have calmed alot. Not that I would wish anything bad to happen to another person, but I am ready to pass the drama torch!

Re: Just an update..


I don't blame you, hon. You've had your share. Hang in there.


Re: Just an update..

Kristin, I'm so sorry to read that you just recently lost your dad. I too hope that you can have some time to rest and recoup from your own health issues and the loss of your father.

My dad passed away at Easter a few years back. Now, after 5 years, this "anniversary" makes the holiday a bit more meaningful on a personal level.

Once again, I'm very sorry for your loss.