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Lynsay's Forum
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Good morning!

What a week I've had!!

First I was fiddling with this newsletter business, trying to get the info out to everyone about the new website and the password to enter messages here. What a pain that was until I was rescued by an angel of mercy (Thank you Monique!)

While that was still going on I had to set to work fixing the desktop. It had crashed bigtime and I had to reformat it and reinstall Windows Friday, but then I had trouble getting it back on the net. I spent all night Friday trying to fix it, finally stumbling off to bed at 8 a.m. Saturday. BUT... Saturday evening I figured out how to get it back on the web. YAY! So I could then load all the other programs on it which I spent all day yesterday doing.

Sigh....I am so glad I don't work with computers for a living. Oh...well...I guess as a writer I DO work with computers for a living, but you know what I mean

Now I get to rush around trying to get all those last minute things done for our trip.

OH!! And I joined a gym. Sitting on my behind typing all day gives me lovely shapely fingers, but lets everything else go to pot. Hopefully the gym will help with that.

Speaking of which, I guess I should head to the sweat factory now.

So I'm off, but first, good morning everyone and I hope you all have a GGGGREAT day!!


Re: Good morning!

Wow, I thought I was the only nut that got out of bed real early just to do that exercise thing.

Have to say I can't wait for The Chase to come out, I am very partial to your historicals, they just make me laugh and sigh.

Have a great day and thanks for all of the great stories you have written.