The ORGAN Family Research Forum

ORGAN one name study

The ORGAN Family Research Forum
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I have some info on the Organs that were in great grandmother was an Organ..Harriet Organ, born at Silverton, Bonne Bay, Newfoundland, in December, 1869. Her parents were Uriah Organ and Mary Smith. Uriah's parents were, as far as I can figure out,..Michael Organ and Sarah Matthews. I also have names of Harriet's brothers and sisters. Anyone with info on these Organs of Newfoundland?? Thanks.
Mildred Lavers

Re: Organs

I am interested in the ORGAN family. Michael Organ and Sarah Matthews are my relatives. My GGGrandfather was George Thomas Organ and as far as I can tell his father was Michael.

I am descendant from the Organ/Reid of Bonne Bay.

I do believe Uriah is connected by I thought he was a cousin of George Thomas.
