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Aimoo Forums

No one is able get to the forums at this time.

The entire aimoo system is down which includes our forums and other groups that use aimoo. Lyna Deoris did whatever she could to contact them and bring it back, but it was to no avail. So, all we can do is wait and hope that it comes back online soon. All I can do is ask you to have patience. I shall keep trying to contact them.

If you really need to get in touch with us, email as you have done or you can use this emergency forum, Tae'Nah Sanctuary

Queen Valkyra

Re: Aimoo Forums

Pliera kax sumana athelfi. I know this isn't happy news, but I'm certain it'll be remedied in due time. Just wanted to drop by and say yasoo. Yasoo!

Lyna Deoris left a post with me (and Kou, in case I didn't have time) to post when Aimoo is back up. It takes her 'out' of the tribe for awhile, so just a heads up.

Please be patient and hopeful. ---{-@ *Fist to heart* Cu ena durus Tae'nah arcis!

~ Leinsata "Tasida" Jadea