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Plastic Vehicals and SWR

Anybody have a Chevy Lumina van and was able to get low swr for 10 &

11 meter? Please let me know what you did because this is rather

irritating. Have tried everything and the best I could do was 2.5 swr.

my target freq is 26.525 . I had a nice mag mount that matched in no

higher than 2.5 at about 28.325 (and as low as 25.500 same swr)(a

radio shack at that)but even this with jerry rigging wont give me a

ground that is needed. And yes I have made mounts to no avail. NGP

antennas wont cut it I've tried many and found only a firestik that

will work right but only in the cb 40 area (where I don't want to be)

I know there has to be a way to do it and refuse to give up.

Any suggestions will be much appreciated. Thanks

Rock Stone

P.S. Don't buy plastic vehicals.