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Re: Dr. Leon Whitneys book

Hi Les,

Dr. Whitney's "Bloodhounds and How To Train Them" is out of print.

I'm aware of people who have tried to buy old copies and the price ranged from $75.00 to $300.

I bought mine in the early 70's and loaned it out to several dog handlers. It was a blue colored book with the names of 20 or thirty people who had written in the book with their name and address.

Then one day that Book never came home.

Sorry Les, I don't know how to help.

Bill T.

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Replying to:

For Bill,

Bill I have currently read and utilized the training methods of your books. I have read you refering to the Bloodhound book by Dr. Leon Whitney as your bible and am interested in reading it. however Im finding that the book is extremly rare and almost impossible to find. Do you know where i can obtain a copy? has anyone reprinted the origional? it seems a shame if not. Thanks Les