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Re: Criminal Trail


Question 1 Criminal call out. I'll answer this queston the way I would do it. Maybe not the right answer. I would contact the officer in charge after knowing how close the dog was to his location. If close I would ask to put him in the car and let the dog work it out. If I was refused I would thank him and I would not work for them again.

Second Question. Would I re-scent my hound? Absolutely. It sounds to me that your department doesn't understand trail dogs I would also ask the Police in charge to allow my dog to finish the trail if it was hot. I also would mark the place where I was called off so I could find it again if I wasn't allowed to continue the trail. If this was the trail of a unknown subject the police are losing the possibility of estabishing probable cause by not allowing the trail to be finished in both cases.

Bill T

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Replying to:

Curious about something.. Question 1. When responding to a criminal call out, and while the dog is hot on the trail, your asked to hold back, while LE make the arrest. Suspect is taken away into custody. How do you end the trail for your hound?

Question 2. When on a call out that demands a lengthy break, say for instance search begins in am, dogs are going strong, however weather turns a side nasty and searchers are called in for 5 or 6 hours, That evening, the search is continued. Do you re-scent your dog?


Re: Re: Criminal Trail

Thank you Bill for responding. The questions I asked were for learning. Fortunately for me, these problems have not occured. It's good to know well ahead of time just incase something like that would happen. The LE in my area are wonderful, and aware of how the dogs work, and the significance for the dog to complete his run. Should this ever occur, I will remember your advice, Thanks.

Regarding question #2, I have been taught that once that harness is removed that the problem the dog was working is over, correct? Now there have been a few runs I have done where we were pulled back for about 30/40 minutes. During that "hold" time, I had my dog "stop" while on trail, or took him back to the truck where we waited for orders to continue. I did not take off the harness, and when we were able to deploy again, we went to the point we were pulled earlier, then I commanded him by saying, "back to work!" There was no re-scenting needed in that case.

I will assume that when your asked to hold for several hours, due to Heat, or other factors that it is best to remove the harness, wait, re-harness, and re-scent at the last point, marked of course, where the hound was hot on trail.

Question, In the event the original scent article is no longer available or has become too contaminated during that several hour laspe time due to numerous dogs scenting off it, or others careless handling of the article, is it possible to take the dog to the point they were stopped earlier and re-start them there without the scent article ? I guess what I am asking, is will the dog remember in a situation like that?

My conclusion: The lesson here for me based on your earlier answer and knowing already that at times the scent article cannot be "taken" away from the crime scene, or is too contaminated to re-scent with, "is to make a scent article" from the original one, bag it and take it with me to use in the event we are stopped, and re-started at the point we were stopped", which may be several miles from the start point, and possibly several hours between start, end and restart, correct?

Just one more question, when a good scent article is available, would you recommend in all instances to make a duplicate scent article regardless of the type of call your responding too?


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Replying to:


Question 1 Criminal call out. I'll answer this queston the way I would do it. Maybe not the right answer. I would contact the officer in charge after knowing how close the dog was to his location. If close I would ask to put him in the car and let the dog work it out. If I was refused I would thank him and I would not work for them again.

Second Question. Would I re-scent my hound? Absolutely. It sounds to me that your department doesn't understand trail dogs I would also ask the Police in charge to allow my dog to finish the trail if it was hot. I also would mark the place where I was called off so I could find it again if I wasn't allowed to continue the trail. If this was the trail of a unknown subject the police are losing the possibility of estabishing probable cause by not allowing the trail to be finished in both cases.

Bill T

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Replying to:

Curious about something.. Question 1. When responding to a criminal call out, and while the dog is hot on the trail, your asked to hold back, while LE make the arrest. Suspect is taken away into custody. How do you end the trail for your hound?

Question 2. When on a call out that demands a lengthy break, say for instance search begins in am, dogs are going strong, however weather turns a side nasty and searchers are called in for 5 or 6 hours, That evening, the search is continued. Do you re-scent your dog?


Re: Re: Re: Criminal Trail


Regarding Question 2

My procedure is to harness at the car and remove harness back at the car. That's the dogs harness to tell him what he is going to do TRAIL and I'm not done with that trail until we get back to the car. When you are alone in a woods and come up with 2 or more in custody I have a flashlight,gun, 2 prisoners and 100 lb of dog let him carry his own harness. it stays until we are through.

Bill T.

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Replying to:

Thank you Bill for responding. The questions I asked were for learning. Fortunately for me, these problems have not occured. It's good to know well ahead of time just incase something like that would happen. The LE in my area are wonderful, and aware of how the dogs work, and the significance for the dog to complete his run. Should this ever occur, I will remember your advice, Thanks.

Regarding question #2, I have been taught that once that harness is removed that the problem the dog was working is over, correct? Now there have been a few runs I have done where we were pulled back for about 30/40 minutes. During that "hold" time, I had my dog "stop" while on trail, or took him back to the truck where we waited for orders to continue. I did not take off the harness, and when we were able to deploy again, we went to the point we were pulled earlier, then I commanded him by saying, "back to work!" There was no re-scenting needed in that case.

I will assume that when your asked to hold for several hours, due to Heat, or other factors that it is best to remove the harness, wait, re-harness, and re-scent at the last point, marked of course, where the hound was hot on trail.

Question, In the event the original scent article is no longer available or has become too contaminated during that several hour laspe time due to numerous dogs scenting off it, or others careless handling of the article, is it possible to take the dog to the point they were stopped earlier and re-start them there without the scent article ? I guess what I am asking, is will the dog remember in a situation like that?

My conclusion: The lesson here for me based on your earlier answer and knowing already that at times the scent article cannot be "taken" away from the crime scene, or is too contaminated to re-scent with, "is to make a scent article" from the original one, bag it and take it with me to use in the event we are stopped, and re-started at the point we were stopped", which may be several miles from the start point, and possibly several hours between start, end and restart, correct?

Just one more question, when a good scent article is available, would you recommend in all instances to make a duplicate scent article regardless of the type of call your responding too?


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Replying to:


Question 1 Criminal call out. I'll answer this queston the way I would do it. Maybe not the right answer. I would contact the officer in charge after knowing how close the dog was to his location. If close I would ask to put him in the car and let the dog work it out. If I was refused I would thank him and I would not work for them again.

Second Question. Would I re-scent my hound? Absolutely. It sounds to me that your department doesn't understand trail dogs I would also ask the Police in charge to allow my dog to finish the trail if it was hot. I also would mark the place where I was called off so I could find it again if I wasn't allowed to continue the trail. If this was the trail of a unknown subject the police are losing the possibility of estabishing probable cause by not allowing the trail to be finished in both cases.

Bill T

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Replying to:

Curious about something.. Question 1. When responding to a criminal call out, and while the dog is hot on the trail, your asked to hold back, while LE make the arrest. Suspect is taken away into custody. How do you end the trail for your hound?

Question 2. When on a call out that demands a lengthy break, say for instance search begins in am, dogs are going strong, however weather turns a side nasty and searchers are called in for 5 or 6 hours, That evening, the search is continued. Do you re-scent your dog?
