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bloodhounds and disaster work

I have two wonderful bloodhounds that I am currently training for search and rescue. Being the ex-wife of a K-9 officer, I am familiar with the multi-purpose dog. Recently I tried to enroll in a disaster training course, only to be turned down because my dogs were bloodhounds. Their reasons being that my boys don't work off lead, are clumsy, and you just don't use bloodhounds for this kind of work. I personlly believe this man has never worked with a bloodhound. Granted, mine don't work off lead, but is this a good enough reason not to pursue this line of training? My boys have great ability and I would hate to restrict their use if they have the ability. Please help!!!!

Re: bloodhounds and disaster work

The response was correct. Disaster Search Dogs are required to maintain a high level of obedience and required to do certain things that bloodhounds typically do not adapt well to. I work a Bloodhound for trail work and a Lab for cadaver and Air Scent Work. The best of both worlds in my opinion!! I always tell pepole that want to use other types of dogs to run a trail that they need to get a bloodhound and forget trying to tailor a different breed to do this work. This is my suggestyion to you although it is reversed in order.

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Replying to:

I have two wonderful bloodhounds that I am currently training for search and rescue. Being the ex-wife of a K-9 officer, I am familiar with the multi-purpose dog. Recently I tried to enroll in a disaster training course, only to be turned down because my dogs were bloodhounds. Their reasons being that my boys don't work off lead, are clumsy, and you just don't use bloodhounds for this kind of work. I personlly believe this man has never worked with a bloodhound. Granted, mine don't work off lead, but is this a good enough reason not to pursue this line of training? My boys have great ability and I would hate to restrict their use if they have the ability. Please help!!!!