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CT C.H.E.E.R. Message Board
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Part Time Employment Opportunity Working for the State of Connecticut


I am the Program Coordinator for the State of Connecticut Tobacco Prevention and Enforcement Program.

Our mission: Working in conjunction with local communities to inform tobacco retailers, youth and the general public about the laws prohibiting the sale of cigarettes and tobacco products to people under the age of 18, and support adherence to such laws through compliance inspections, merchant education and promoting awareness about the health risk associated with tobacco use.

In order to complete this vital mission the program employs minors ages 16 and 17 on a part time basis to assist state inspectors with compliance inspections all over Connecticut.

The program is currently looking for 16 or 17 year old candidates who might be interested in this great part time employment opportunity.

For more information, please contact me directly by phone or email and please visit our website:

I look forward to hearing from you or any interested individual.

Thank you for your kind attention.

Gregory F. Carver
Department of Mental Health & Addiction Services
Prevention and Health Promotion Section
Tobacco Prevention and Enforcement Program
410 Capitol Avenue
Fourth Floor
PO Box 341431
Hartford, CT 06134