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soil testing

Also double check on soil , We had perk test done from company in Northern Va. soil failed after 6 years was stuck with about a $40,000 dollor alterative system that cost 400 a year to inspect and up keep. Would have never bought this property if known and i have heard its a lot of bad property on the lake and around

Re: soil testing

We have had the same trouble. Our system also failed and we had to install new system that requires maintance . I feel the county is aware of these problems why they dont push for testing i guess tax reasons.

Re: soil testing

We also had major problems between Rob Fields from Northern Va soil company and the Va health dept . 1 blaming the other we had to replace our system to a alternative system talking about cost neither side would pony up for their mistake . Reminds me of the new adminstration it was his fault not mine.