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As you all know we are now less than 1 month from 106.4 FM.

Alex, Andrea, Dave Renshaw, Gary Sharpe, and myself as programme controller have put in a huge ammount of time,and hard work (especially alex,andrea and dave) so that everyone can experience a month on FM, so the least we could all do is to make it happen big time for them and indeed ourselves.

What I am going to do is as of Monday 5th May I am going to monitor ALL presenters and their shows to check content and above all the IRN news link, and if anyone does not come up to scratch they will be given the chance to speak to me about any problems they might have so to clear it up before 1st June.

If however, those presenters do not ask for help then they WILL NOT be on the RSL because not only will they be letting themselves down they will be letting Alex, Andrea and Dave down and after the aformentioned hard work they have done with Impactlive I am not going to let that happen.