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Lynsay's Forum
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Mr. Spice...and Lynsay...

Did you read the last few bumping up posts on the Getting to know you thread? Gypsy & I worked on one just for you...I think we probably have more bump posts than GTKY posts, but it's still fun!

Lynsay, you haven't ever completed the Getting To Know You...and you are our favorite author...take a ten minute break and do our little quiz, Please... Dave and Terri have already done the quiz. We are only waiting on you and Emma of the Spice Team now!

wren...being humble(just for you) and sweet and hopeful

Re: Mr. Spice...and Lynsay...

Nice try, Wren. Do you remember that old parable about it being easier to pass a camel through the eye of a needle... than to get Lynsay Sands to fill out her own questionaire.

Re: Mr. Spice...and Lynsay...

And I was so humble in begging...


Re: Mr. Spice...and Lynsay...

Mr Spice, thats about as humble as she gets!

Love the parable though!