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Lynsay's Forum
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Re: what is Marguerite going to do now??

Julian McMahon is way!!! to old
Billy Zane is also to old
in my opinion
i think Drew Fuller should be Thomas
David Boreanaz is also way old
grown up WYATT with shorter hair could be LUCERN though

Re: what is Marguerite going to do now??

Well...if we are going for the yummy "Charmed" men, then let us not leave out our favorite whitelighter, Leo...played by Brian Krause...perhaps our Etienne?

The older Wyatt was played by Wes Ramsay


Re: what is Marguerite going to do now??

Now you are talking my language. He was alwyas my fave. Mmm...."yummy" just does not come close enough. "Scrumptious" is more like it.


Re: what is Marguerite going to do now??

I liked the older Wyatt myself


Re: what is Marguerite going to do now??

WREN...we are so much alike its scary!
I had him down as Etiene, and took him out at the last minute!! Thought he was too short, but now that you all brought it up...YUMMY!!

oh and oooh,oooh! (of course, this would be more offective if i could remember names!)
but Prue's boyfriend, not ANDY!....the one she had a fling with, when he kidnapped her. hhhhhmmmmmmm!!!
WREN cna you help me out!

g3 (orbing in while her daughter sleeps!)

Re: what is Marguerite going to do now??


Would that be when she was Ms. Hellfire? Is so then it was Antonio Sabato, Jr.

C1 of AE4 just waiting for the racetrack to dry so they can

Re: what is Marguerite going to do now??

yes, that would be him!!

mmmmmmm...even the name makes me hungry! YUMMY!

Re: what is Marguerite going to do now??

His name just rolls off your tongue, doesn't it. Ahh... Antonio Sabato, Jr. Such a nice specim. Yum-my


Re: what is Marguerite going to do now??

hey jill....don't talk about rolling tongues...i i am sucker for that accent!!! I mentioned ealier antnio bandaras as well. very gggrrrrrr! baby!

C1, W2, J4: Hey! do you think Victor would have an accent like that one! (or just be able to roll his tongue!**when he says his "R" of course! {get your minds out of the gutters!}

Re: what is Marguerite going to do now??

Gena, my mind didn't go into the gutter at first. But now.....

J4-Also a sucker for accents but usually it is the yummies from British Isles.

Re: what is Marguerite going to do now??

Jill, i still go weak in the knees for russian accents, MMMMMMMM!

Re: what is Marguerite going to do now??

Jill, dated a few brits when i lived there!!! sweetest most curtious guys i had known!! trated you "LIKE A LADY" go figure i marry my hubby from WV got myself a mountain man!


Re: what is Marguerite going to do now??

Agree on the Brits! Also, Gypsy says only British actors can do a proper southern accent in the movies!

On always Marguerite is going to be a fantastic mother and matchmaker... And anything else she wants to do!


Re: what is Marguerite going to do now??

i so agree with u wren,

she is so determind, and very one track minded.....once she gets her "fangs" in you your as good as done!

Re: what is Marguerite going to do now??

g3 you are so bad. right but bad.


Re: what is Marguerite going to do now??

Marguerite is wonderful. And she is intelligent too. So many times you read a romance book and they make the heroine idiots who need someone else (usually the hero) to do her thinking for her.

One of the things I love about Lynsay's books. She never did that with any of her female characters.


Re: what is Marguerite going to do now??

i know exactly what you bugs me more than anything. Even the ones that portray the females as strong, ended the book with the guy breaking her will or eventually she ends up swooning anyway!!

With Lynsay, all her woman are strong,(im different ways) and their men like that about them. But especially Marguerite, she is strong, and intelligent, and funny. She knows where her priorities are and never falter, one of her best lines was in "LOVE BITES!" when she was talking about Rachel to Etiene, he assumes that she already knows his feelings, but has never told her...and Marguerite breaks out with "HOW DID I EVER RAISE SUCH STUPID CHILDREN!" it was a funny,but loving exclamation. Something only a mother can say! In that one line she shows her human self as a mother!! it was so cute!!


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