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Lynsay's Forum
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Hello All!

About three weeks ago I picked up Bite me if you Can and ended up reading it in a day and a half. After that I continued to read and read and read and have finished all the Argeneau books. I absolutely love them all!

The books have given me something to look forward to after work and have really made my days more exciting and enjoyable. I can't wait to read the next three that are coming out!

Is there a list posted somewhere that shows them all in chronolical order? I read them out of order and since all my friends want to borrow them from first to recent, it'd be nice to know. ^_^;;

Anyways, thanks so much for writing these books and a big "HELLO!" to everyone!


Re: Hello All!

Hello! Yes Lynsay's books are like that and I especially do like this series

Re: Hello All!

Hi Cara, and thank you very much. I'm glad you're enjoying them. As for a list, if you go to my website and go to books, the Argeneau section the book order is there. A Quick Bite is Book one and so on. You go by book number posted there not by pub date because they were published out of order....Don't even ask why, it will just get me started Hope that helps and that your freinds enjoy them too.


Re: Hello All!

Thank you Arosia, too. You guys are all so great!!
