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Lynsay's Forum
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Wondering how many books of Lynsays do people own?

I have 13 books all together. When I was looking at her books page awhile back, I saw that I already had afew of her older books in my "libary", before I got hooked on the Argeneau I never even realized it. You know you have alot of books

Re: Wondering how many books of Lynsays do people own?

lets see i very sadly own only 2 the rest i read at the library but i am going to order the rest of the argenaeu series at the end of this week

Re: Wondering how many books of Lynsays do people own?

lol.. maybe I should ask how many books have people read...not everyone buys books, I do because I read them 4 or 5

Re: Wondering how many books of Lynsays do people own?

I own all her books. Just finished reading Bite Me If You Can. Loved it. As for lots of books I can relate. I have two six foot bookcases full and enough books to fill a third six foot bookcase plus I have a smaller bookcase full of books. I still need to get another bookcase to hold all my craft and cookbooks. LOL way to many but can't get rid of even one of them they are my treasures.

Re: Wondering how many books of Lynsays do people own?

I think I own all of can I place my fingers on all of them? No. LOL Think I've read all but one of them.

Re: Wondering how many books of Lynsays do people own?

I own all of the Argeneau series, and now I want to start buying the other books too. I have read most of them from the library, but do not own them yet. I love all of her books.

Re: Wondering how many books of Lynsays do people own?

I only have two. But I plan on buying more! . I have read A Quik Bite. And I just finished Bite me if you can. I know I went WAYYY out of order lol

Re: Wondering how many books of Lynsays do people own?

I have them all..and have read them over and just don't right fast enough Lynsay...LOL...