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trying to understand the family tree

so Lucian has FOUR siblings if I am understanding the family tree correctly (I could never understand these things) and that would be Jean Claude, Martina, Armand and Victor, correct?

Re: trying to understand the family tree

Actually Ashley, that's not right, though that's all that show on the family tree. I couldn't fit everyone on, so only put in those who would fit. There are also some mistakes on the family tree, apparently my hand writing sucks. I guess I should have been a doctor Jean Claude's death for instance. That should be 1995, not 1935. Unfortunately, I didn't catch it when I looked over the proofs. Someday I plan to be perfect, but I suspect I'm deluding myself.


Re: trying to understand the family tree

I didnt even notice that about JC so dont even worry about if that arent the only sibblings that Lucian man DOES he have and what are all there names (including Jean Claude)...or is that a spoiler

Re: trying to understand the family tree

Not looking at the book, I'm going to say most of them have passed-away in more "recent" years, or didn't excape Alantis.

Speaking of which, Lynsay, you should write in one of your books about how Lucian mannaged to excape the fall. Better yet, make it a short story to be published on the web or something. :D

Re: trying to understand the family tree

so is there other brothers or sisters we have not meet yet. ihope

Re: trying to understand the family tree

Oh yes, there are others. They can have a child every hundred years remember and usually do. Of course not all are still alive, and I don't know if you'll meet the ones who have survived history, but there are others.


Re: trying to understand the family tree

Lucian is my favorite character and I really enjoyed him in Bite me if you Can. It would be interesting to read about him when he was in Atlantis and meeting his first lifemate. *shrug* Maybe an idea for the future? I'd love to read more on the character and possibly get a more in depth look at the story of the nanos. =)


Re: trying to understand the family tree

I am just patiently waiting for any more books in the series =)

Re: trying to understand the family tree

It's surprising how many people are saying they'd like the back story of Atlantis's fall, or Lucian and his first life mate, or Marguerite and Jean Claude. I guess I'll have to consider this.


Re: trying to understand the family tree

That sounds like an awsome book... It could be a booklet, with all those stories in it. COOL