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Lynsay's Forum
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Hi there,

I have finally managed get a post on here, I have been wanting to be able to post on here for a while but never got round to asking for the password. But now I have so I am able to talk to all you guys.

Have just finished a Bite to Remember which was absolutely great I totally enjoyed it, couldnt put it down (which I can never do with any of Lynsay's books) it was a riot from start to finish.

I was just wondering has anyone on here ever been to any of the book launches as that must me a blast?

Anyway I had better dash as I am at work, bad me!

Talk to you all soon.

Vicky x

Re: Hello

Glad you enjoyed it Vicky. I've never had a book launch, but Dave has suggested we have one and make everyone dress up as vamps and such and then play songs like Monster Mash and so on. LOL. I think it would be fun, I'll have to think on it.


Re: Hello

I think that would definately be a good idea! As I am positive we all have a little vamp inside us and it would be good to air them out! Lol

Oh and thanks for responding to me.

Vicky x