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My 21st birthday coming up next week and I would like to know what some funnest gifts that you receive were?
Mine would have to be on 18th birthday my aunt gave me 18 sets of 18 things.

Re: Birthdays

On my 22nd birthday, my hubby took me to the Disney store and let me pick out 23 Disney beanies. 1 for each year and one for good luck. Yes, I collect them in case you wondered

Now anniversary presents are another story, he gave me an aloe vera plant once

Re: Birthdays

Ummmm....saddly, I've never really gotten anything really cool for my birthday. About the best I can say is that one time out of the blue my ex-boyfriend got me an eeyore and a piglet beanie(s?). Hummm...speaking of ex, he also got me a book that is the Lord of the Rings trilogy all in one book, pluss 6 appandges for christmas and he gave me his DVD copy of The Princess Bride.

Nothin' wrong with Aloe Vera plants. I have a slue of 'em. Handy things.

"Fezzic, are there rocks ahead??" "If there are, we may be dead." "No more rhyming now, I mean it!" "Anyone want a peanut??" "ARGH!!!!!"