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I'm Baaaack:)

Well we finally made it home from NC....If I ever see another McDonald's I shall upchuck...but what can one do when you have your ten year old Grandson with you and all he wants to eat is cheeseburgers:) I also brought back a terrible rash that has stuck around for over three weeks. Saw the Dr is a serum rash...which causes all kinds of havoc to the painful arthritis in the joints(not as if I already have enough pain in my knees) At the beginning I had a terrible Dr id concerned it may have caused some damage to my kidneys...she did tests and we will know in a few days. All in all I am lucky this kind of rash can get into the mouth and down to the gut and cause hemorrhaging. I am now on a steroid..she has taken me off of my diuretics along with the Drug that caused I have to keep my feet up to stop swelling until I can start Lazics....this is the pits...seems like I am becoming allergic to more and more drugs lately...guess it's old age and a lousy immune system. I did enjoy Christmas with the Grand-kiddies though:) My youngest son and his wife said next year they will send my older son and his family plane tickets to come home for a visit and they want to take them to Disneyland while they are here ....isn't that nice of them? I am so proud of my kids they are such decent human Beings:)
By the way Lynsay I took all of your books along the trip so I was never bored on the drive...chuckeled all the way over and back....Wayne would just say I see you are reading Lynsay Sands again Jeffrey just kept on asking what is so funny Grandma

Re: I'm Baaaack:)

lol there's just some things kids shouldn't know ^-^' wait.... n/m

Re: I'm Baaaack:)

Mmmmm, McDonalds... lol. I haven't had that for a coon's age. Gees. And they do have them here.

Jacquie your trip sounds long and uncomfortable between rashes and back aches. I'm glad the doc switched the meds, and hope these ones agress with you more. Sometimes it sounds like the cure is worse than the illness its suppose to help. As for allergies, everyone seems to be getting them more and more. I wonder if it's all the chemicals we use or something?

I'm glad I kept you entertained on the trip. I would have been lost. I get car sick when I read. So I guess that cuts out the possibility of long road trips for me...unless I try those books on tape. Hmmm.

Welcome home.


Re: I'm Baaaack:)

I'm back myself. I got so used to replying to e-mails that this is a bit tricky for me to remember to check!! I'm such a dunce.