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Re: Can't you simply answer my questions??


I agree with your statement that McCarthy was, if anything, understating the extent of the Communist infiltration of our government through their willing dupes, the Hollywood elite and the Democrats.

I'd always felt that McCarthy was getting a bum deal by the media, since I tend to believe the opposite of whatever the media is hyping at any given time. If the media was vilifying McCarthy, then I figured he had to be a true American hero.

Then, I read Witness by Whittaker Chambers. What an eyeopener!!!

Anyone who has the opinion that there was no Communist infiltration needing to be ferreted out by men like McCarthy, and who hasn't read Witness, is merely just ignorant.

But anyone who has read Witness and still believes that the United States didn't have a "communist" problem is just plain stupid, and is likely an Obama voter -- but then I'm being redundant.

The thing I remember thinking as I was reading Witness was how disappointing it was that America didn't learn its lesson back then, and now we have basically the same problem of Communist infiltration in our government today.

The only difference between then and now is that Communist infiltration back then was aberrant and illegal. And today it is mainstream, and part of our government culture.

Where is a McCarthy when we desperately need him now?


A summary

"The only difference between then and now is that Communist infiltration back then was aberrant and illegal. And today it is mainstream, and part of our government culture."
Yes, in today's Drudge Report you will find the following headline: "Docs Show FCC Coordinated 'Net Neutrality' Effort with Left-Wing Group..."
If you read the article you will learn that the groups referred to are a Marxist group and an alleged George Soros funded group.
In fact let me refer you to a 3 step process:
First, read Mr. Gatto's book UHAE. If you do so you will read a blow by blow account of how the oligarchy took over the public school system. Please notice that the oligarchy's mechanism of choice was to get hired guns out of academia to do the actual work. Today the Academicians are lionized but I think you will find they were glorified hired hands. They were never part of the oligarchy.
Listen to Dr. Stephen Davies, Ph.d., History, in his two videos Decline & Triumph of Classical Liberalism. Dr. Davies makes the point that until about 1870 the Classical Liberalism of our founders was the dominant American political philosophy. Then during La Belle Epoch (LBE here-after) there was a radical sea change and by the end of LBE the collectivist liberal philosophy was dominant and still growing in influence. He leaves open the question of how the collectivist liberals gained the upper hand. You will have to table that question but note and hang on to as much as you can of how and where the collectivist liberal strength came from -- mostly from academia.
Now for the coup de grace. It turns out that Andrew Carnegie was a very good writer and liked to write essays on subjects that he considered important. He wrote an essay called Gospel of Wealth. That essay and others were bound and published as Gospel of Wealth. If you read the Introduction to the book version you will find enough explanation to put the rest of the story together.
The LBE coming after the Civil War led to almost a euphoria among what we now call the oligarchy and others. They were millionaires, the world was brand new, eugenics was the rage and their thoughts turned to utopia. Just as Mr. Gatto writes they saw themselves as the most successful people in the US and not only entitled to lead but as having a duty to do so. Again (see Davies) they turned to academia and communications.
You notice I use the phrase "collectivist liberals." They infected both major parties. In the Republican party you can see the RINOs.
Dave, I have beat this horse to death. But, I wanted to lay out the full story for you to the best of my ability.
I had criticized Mr. Gatto for not going far enough. It seemed apparent to me that the oligarchy would not have stopped with the public schools. They didn't stop there. You will learn from Davies that after Grover Cleveland there was a sea change in the Democrat Party. Collectivist liberalism took over the Democrat and Republican Parites. There was for a long time a remnant of the classical Democrat Party left alive. After WW2 a conservative movement got underway in the Republican Party although progress has been very slow.
I will be very interested in your reaction. Please let me know what you think. GRIN

Re: A summary

Hi Ron,

Thanks for the interesting summary of how we got to where we are now.

I might add that I have the answer to your question:

"Then during La Belle Epoch (LBE here-after) there was a radical sea change and by the end of LBE the collectivist liberal philosophy was dominant and still growing in influence."

In my considered opinion the radical sea change was brought about by a change in the role that the news media thought they should play -- or not play anymore -- in protecting our country from government tyranny.

This change was also a cultural-social change as well. Did you know, for example, that in the early days of the New York Times they were adamantly pro life?

Early journalism, going all the way back to Ben Franklin's day, believed that an unchecked government was the enemy. It was an enemy that lived in the dark, but one that could be beaten by being exposed to the light.

So the media took on the important job of being the "watchdog" against the government, and thus also the protector of the Constitution.

What happened to change that ties in with your summary history. Newspapers got big. Very big. And very powerful. Their owners could change the future merely by a shift in editorial policy.

Power and money corrupts. Absolutely, without fail.

These powerful newspaper owners had collectivist leanings. Like begets like, and before you know it, you've got newsrooms that are 90+ percent leftist. Showing bias toward unions, abortion, feminism, public education -- basically all the ills of our society.

It's gotten so bad in the past 50+ years that they have not only thrown objectivity out the window, but they are actually operating on an agenda to advocate and promote a socialist "utopia."

That's why if you get your news exclusively from mainstream media newspapers, radio and television news, you are getting nothing even remotely resembling the truth.

Think of the major "gates" that have been trumpeted by the media as big investigative journalism successes. Virtually all of them were hyped up against Republican administrations.

Whereas, your Clinton and Obama administration abominations are largely given a "bye" by the media. Can you imagine even the least little thing that Obama has done in the past two years not being major, major news if it had been done by a Republican president? It's all in the media's agenda.

So, then you have millions of people watching their MSNBC, their CBS and ABC news, for example, who have no clue how ignorant they are that they are being led by a complicit media down the road to socialism.

In my opinion, that explains how a total fraud like Obama, who hates this country, hates the freedoms it represents, and who is sworn to destroy this country, can get so many ignorant people voting to help him do it.

I believe that the media's role in the tragic failing of our country is so important I'd say that it couldn't have happened without their actual, complicit advocacy and cooperation.


Re: A summary summarized

I didn't ignore your reply. Instead you gave me enough to thank about that I had to think for awhile to get my thoughts straight.
Actually Mr. Gatto gave us the answer when he explained that our oligarchy was no a conspiracy. The Oligarchy was simply a group of people who were either associates or at a similar level in society. They found themselves in agreement with one another and with the times they were living in. You might like to see the Introduction to the hardback version of Andrew Carnegy's Gospel of Wealth.
William Randolph Hearst and Joesph Pulitzer were just two more members of that loosely associated group of individuals we call the oligarchy.

Re: So utterly ridiculous, especially on a site that claims to be about education

Dave believes that God sent tornadoes to Joplin, MO, because Barack Obama urged Israel's Bibi to return to pre-1967 borders.

Louise, to clarify, I don't know for a fact that the increase in "natural" disasters all around the world these days is the result of God's judgment. All I know is what God says in his word about signs of the coming end times. There are just too many signs to ignore, too many prophecies being fulfilled, too many nations being positioned exactly as God said they would be in His word.

If you don't like it, or if it offends you to hear that then I can't help you. But, your disbelief doesn't change how things are going to be by even a single molecule.

But maybe I should write to Dave and offer him some kind of gift to take the edge off my criticism. Then we could all share private jokes about it.

Hey, I'm game. Give it a whack!


Re: So utterly ridiculous, especially on a site that claims to be about education

I have no idea how you believe what you do, but at least you're a good sport.

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