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Re: OK, I'll bite

Care to list all those original, never been thought before revelations YOU have birthed on this forum from that vast intellect you think you have?

It's OK, attack LRC, the premier anti-state libertarian portal. It exposes you for the hater of liberty and humanity and state lover that you are.

I do not claim to have "birthed never been thought before revelations." But I usually write my own thoughts about education rather than plunk down regular fare from lewrockwell.com every morning. These are your pre-thought thoughts. The fact that you summarily dismiss any ideas or opinions that are not aligned with them shows how narrow-minded and vicious you've become in attempting to defend lewrockwell.com arguments across the board.

You make excuses for anti-statist Hoppe's and Rothbard's employment at the University of Nevada. You insist that anyone who believes that tax paying is necessary is not only a hater, but a thief besides. You are intolerant of opinions that don't originate from or are not in alignment with those from lewrockwell.com.

You also claim that because I am not enthralled with every word that drips off the pens of lewrockwell.com writers that it means:

It exposes you for the hater of liberty and humanity and state lover that you are.

No, it doesn't mean that. But you are so transfixed by the opinions on lewrockwell.com that you have apparently convinced yourself that that's the only thing it could mean.

It's remarkable that you don't see such a statement as revealing the depths of your own ignorance and hatred. Instead, you claim that I hate liberty and humanity and are not even embarrassed to say it.

It seems when you feel angry, desperate and vicious enough, you'll say just about anything to try to discredit other people and defend your political allies.

Re: js's benevolent vision of society: I've got mine. You go get yours.

Father Barron

"Now to give Michael Moore his due, there are elements of the Catholic social teaching tradition, which stretches back to Jesus and the Old Testament prophets that support his point of view. In Rerum Novarum, the great text that inaugurated modern Catholic social doctrine, Pope Leo XIII comments that once the demands of necessity and propriety have been met, everything else we own belongs to the poor. I submit to you that if you allow that statement to sink into soul, it will cause a good deal of spiritual and moral discomfort. He furthermore sternly warns the wealthy that their salvation will, to some degree, depend upon their generosity to the poor. Cardinal Francis George of Chicago echoed Pope Leo when he said to a group of wealthy donors some years ago that the poor needed them for their temporal well-being but that they needed the poor in order to avoid going to Hell! More to it, all of the Popes who have written on social matters, from Leo to Benedict XVI, have insisted that the government has a moral obligation to regulate the economy when gross injustices mar the system. In the measure, therefore, that the recent economic collapse was precipitated by an irresponsible deregulation of the financial markets, Michael Moore is right to raise an authentically Catholic voice in protest against it."

Is this the part on Catholic social teaching and justice that you find "non-binding"?

And of course anyone who objects to being looted is selfish, “has theirs” (an obvious illogic, if I “had mine” the state wouldn’t have it and I would have nothing to complain about!).

I'm sure you'd still find many things to complain about. It doesn't change the fact that this is what you'd LIKE to be able to say, as a non-taxpayer.

So this is part of the Catholic teaching on social issues you find 'non-binding'?

Your silence on the topic does not surprise me.

Oooo, Babus doing a "gotcha"!!

At least you're reading something besides Riane Eisler.

Nope. Don't agree with Fr. Barron on Marxist Michael Moores "authentic" Catholicism".

There can be voluntary "social justice", like Mother theresa. Note that Fr Barron referred to DONORS, implying VOLUNTARY support to the poor rather than state looting you find so "just".
That is the variety I support. Not Moores (or anyones) "social justice" at gunpoint. Keep looking, there are lots of Marxist priests blathering about "social justice" and promoting wealth redistribution. Bella Dodd wrote about her part in the infiltration.

And no, their ideas are not Church dogma...yet. When they become that I'll part ways with them.

Since you are researching Church teaching read up on the Scholastics at Salamanca, the first economists.

Re: Oooo, Babus doing a "gotcha"!!

I see. Father Barron is a good film critic, but that's as far as it goes.

I wasn't researching Church teaching. Just thought I'd see what you thought about Father Barron's opinions in this case.

Re: Oooo, Babus doing a "gotcha"!!

I disagree that one can be a state worshipping Marxist wealth distributor and have an "authentic Catholic" opinion. I doubt Barron would agree. There is nothing wrong with praying for rulers and slavemasters to be just. Or calling on existing governments to be just.

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