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Re: Spelling it out in greater detail for Louise who is shifty

You have shifted from some sort of general accusation that corporations are the sources of all of societies ills to a discussion of the technical factors involved in corporation?
I don't deny that the collectivist liberals in politics and the collectivist liberals in some corporations have teamed up to our detriment you seem to want to throw the baby out with the bath water.

Gee, it took you long enough to answer that

Only to see the entire problem not as one of corporations and business taking over governance of the country, but one of liberals. Of course.

Denying corporations human rights to corporations is not throwing the baby out with the bathwater, unless you are STILL suffering under the delusion that corporate personhood is synonymous with limited liability.

That's because you were so sneaky

I couldn' get my arms around what was wrong with your answers to my questions. Then I saw the acronym SIN and rememmbered that S stood for "shift the subject." At that point the rest was easy.

No stealth involved

There was no stealth nor sin involved, Ron.

But of course you try to justify your lack of understanding the problem of corporations in control of government by coming up with another excuse.

Nor lack of understanding on my part

It is true that our present economic situation is a rats-next of complications involving corproate officers right up to their necks. Those corporate officers have bribed politicians with campaign donations, they have sought and gotten bail out money to protect themselves from poor decisions and perhaps to use to pay for their bribes. The politicians have sold themselves for campaign donations, they have rewarded corporate officers and unions at the expense of the citizenry and they have blocked every attempt to investigate what is surely criminal conduct; but, I have no intention of haring off after your wish to have a side-bar discussion on the technical aspects of corporate law. This is clearly a case of criminal conduct on the part of corporate officers and sitting politicians. Why can't you see that?

Re: Nor lack of understanding on my part

Why can't you see that a different outcome in the Santa Clara County decision, and, just recently, the Citizens United case, would have disallowed much of the behavior you attribute to criminal wrongdoing?

If you understood all this to start with, why did you keep insisting that corporate personhood was the means by which limited liability was claimed?

You are not even honest in your responses to me, yet apparently believe you can make people here believe you are.

Bernie Sanders on Citizens United

Now, here's a project for you this morning. Comment on the "backtrail" of AlterNet. Or perhaps you'd like to defend the Koch brothers. Or comment on Kentucky giving a $43 million tax break for a Bible theme park.

Bible Theme Park in Kentucky

Re: Nor lack of understanding on my part

We have no lack of laws to prosecute the criminals. What we lack is the prosecutor with the will to prosecute. The "prosecutor in chief" of the US works for Barack Huesein Obama the chief beneficiary of the criminal wrongdoing.

Re: Nor lack of understanding on my part

And under Reagan, George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush and other Republican presidents, you believe the prosecutor in chief fought corporate criminal wrongdoing more vigorously? I don't think so.

The point is that the law as it stands with Santa Clara County and now Citizens United gives corporations all the leeway they need to break the law and be held unaccountable.

Why you continue to ignore that fact, I don't know.

And btw, it is these laws that permit fascism, the corporate takeover

of government.

Not at all, Louise

I thought you understood the basics of all governments excepting classical liberalism.
Classical liberalism is predicated upon limiting the powers of the central government and dividing the powers, where the powers are necessary at all, until no one person can exert significant control. The power such as it is, is left in the hands of the citizenry.
On the other hand all other governments are really aligarchal in nature tending to a dictatorship dedicated to maximizing central power.
The Nazis and Communists were no different. To say Fascism was a case of corporations taking over is pure nonsense. Hitler, Musolini, Lenin, & Mao, for example, were all men that gathered supporters that would support them in taking over. Hitler was a socialist, Musolini, Lenin and Mao were communists.
To call Hitler & Musolini the product of corporations serves only to expose the origins of your political education.

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