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Louise, are we doing something right?

You state in that article and video that we are locking up 2.3 million people.
If my memory serves me Mr. Gatto repsats his finding that in any country we will find about 4% of the population are criminals and an equal but different number are natural warriors.
Based on what you tell us the US is locking up less than 1% of its population.
Does that mean the US has a lower percentage of criminals than the norm? Also does that mean that bad as prisons are that they do a relatively good job of actually "correcting" criminals? Should we be looking to see what we are doing right? Should we be congratulating ourselves for a moment before renewing out search for ways to do a better job?
Or, out of misplaced guilt are we allowing too many predators go free to walk the streets lowering the quality of life for the rest of us?

The depth of your ignorance is astonishing

Does that mean the US has a lower percentage of criminals than the norm? Also does that mean that bad as prisons are that they do a relatively good job of actually "correcting" criminals? Should we be looking to see what we are doing right? Should we be congratulating ourselves for a moment before renewing out search for ways to do a better job?
Or, out of misplaced guilt are we allowing too many predators go free to walk the streets lowering the quality of life for the rest of us?

No, it means none of those things. But it is good for those in the prison industries, such as Wackenhut, G4S and, in the future, perhaps Blackwater.

It is not good, however, for the lives of those imprisoned and their families.

At least NYC hotel room maids can relax, though, knowing Strauss-Kahn, head of the IMF, is on Rikers instead of chasing them down $3,000-a-night hotel suite corridors and attempting to rape them.

Are you sticking to that point despite the evidence?

You really opened up a can of worms. You said, " But it is good for those in the prison industries, such as Wackenhut, G4S and, in the future, perhaps Blackwater."
You collectivist liberals are in charge of those programs. If we study the recent economic collapse we have to conclude that you (plural) are using the government to line your pockets. Are you saying that Wackenhut, etal are paying kickbacks to the politicians? Are you saying that Blackwater is bidding for that business? Are you even aware that Blackwater is out of business?
Are you completely resistant to the idea that we might be doing something right in our prisons?

The evidence is not on your side, unless you believe

prison and government propaganda, which you soak up like a sponge.

The evidence is not on your side, unless you believe in the truth

"The evidence is not on your side, unless you believe prison and government propaganda, which you soak up like a sponge."
I believe it was Mr. Gatto that said in most western countries the prison and warrior populations both equaled about 4 percent each.
Are you saying Mr. Gatto was a chump for believing his source(s)? As you will recall I defended his interpretation of what was going on with Fred Taylor. I clearly stated my belief that you didn't understand him. Is that still the case?

Tired of responding to you BS, Ron

You've made it very clear that you have no understanding of what Gatto writes about.

If you think gang rape helps prisoners, guess again. Did you know that many prisoners are illiterate and that illiteracy leads to prison?

Chapter 3 of Underground

"In 1994 the U.S. Department of Education acknowledged that two-thirds of all incarcerated criminals have poor literacy."

I find it hard to believe the things you post here, repeatedly accusing me of personal destruction, when every one of your responses to me is in the personal destruction vein, since ad hominem - not truth or facts - is the BS you know how to shovel best. Like Frederick Taylor.

It is a shame so few ideas on education are discussed here and that you and js manage to turn John Taylor Gatto's work into a garbage dump of unintelligibility.

Now, why not accuse me and Woodrow Wilson of starting WWI? About par for the course with your crude remarks.

Louise, can't you answer at least one of my questions

Basically I am only asking you why we have so many fewer prisoners than predicted and as a follow-up question if we shouldn't be looking to figure out why we do so well? Have you any idea at all why this should be true?

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