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Did the British left wing rag do a hit piece on two Americans/

The piece you cited was from the most left wing large newspaper in England. Do you subscribe to the Guardian regularly or did you find the article on a site that conglomerates anti American anti business articles??
I only got about half way through the article when I found I had an endless list of questions and examples of poor reporting.
I also noticed the Guardian writer told a pointless story about how Koch does not rhyme with cock. Was that the writer's attempt to make a snide joke or is he just tasteless? Frankly I expect better from a major news outlet even if they are socialist.
He also seems to have something against businessmen lobbying against anti business legislation or unions. Can you tell me what is wrong with a businessman speaking publically on issues that impinge on his business. The writer seemed about to have a hissy over the Koch Brothers spending $20 million on putting their interests in front of the public. Gosh George Soros the well known leftist spends that much weekly for lobbying and campaign contributions. Surely the writers researched the subject enough to know his facts.
He also used the phrases Tea Party and Tax Breaks for the Rich. Specifically what is wrong with the Tea Party forming a group in response to Acorns getting caught passing out advice as to how to go into the prostitution racket without having the law catch their clients. Are you in favor of advising prospective prostitution businesses that intend to transport underage girls across international borders how to stay clear of our laws. Is this something the Democrat party should be associated with?
While you are at it could you tell us what law this tax break for the rich was contained in? My understanding is that the Congress declined to raise taxes on Americans last year by eliminating the Bush tax cuts.
I am sure you will answer my questions.

Re: Did the British left wing rag do a hit piece on two Americans/

I see. Down with Soros, up with the Koch brothers.

I truly like your in-depth analyses, Ron.

Re: Did the British left wing rag do a hit piece on two Americans/

I didn't have the time or resources for a truly in depth analysis but on the other hand my eagerness to awfulize reasonable conduct by some American businessmen didn't lead me to make a lot of inflamatory and misleading statements.
The left wing yellow rags have been full of hit pieces on the Koch Brothers so I did have enough to know which way the wind was blowing. Can you back up even one of those phony accusations? Probably not.

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