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Re: Questions

If OBL is everything he's said to be wouldn't interrogated information from him be critical to stopping this terrorist network in its tracks? Why kill him if we didn't have to, which apparently we didn't? Maybe TPTB don't want it destroyed? Why? Fear, $$$$$$$$$$$$$, endless war.

From, This Can't Be Happening:

".....There was, as I correctly surmised from the available evidence on Monday, no attempt at all made to capture him alive.

The only thing missing from the assault narrative at this point is an admission from the White House that in fact the goal of the mission was precisely to kill Bin Laden, and then make him vanish.

The fabricated story of his resistance and his cowardly hiding behind a wife was a Jessica Lynch-style fable that fell apart faster than a popping balloon, with the White House attributing the whoppers to "the fog of war." Try the foghorn of propaganda.

My guess is that the White House had no choice but to come clean. Photos of the bedroom airing on Pakistani television on Monday showed that it had been barely disturbed by the confrontation. There were no bullet holes in walls. The clear glass windows were unbroken. The arch-villain's waterbed had suffered no leaks. There wasn't even much blood to be seen on the floor. The scene certainly was not what you'd have seen had there been a "firefight" in the enclosed space. I mean, if bullets had been fired at the American room invaders, there would either have been wounded men or damaged walls or windows. There was neither.

We have to then assume that the goal here was target termination. And then we are left to wonder why? As I noted earlier, Bin Laden was the central figure in Al Qaeda. Even if he wasn't the actual planner of terrorist actions himself, he was the paymaster and fundraiser for the group. Without question, had he been bundled up in an orange jumpsuit, or in diapers with a plug up his butt, and carted away to Bagram Air Base or Guantanamo or one of the many CIA black sites and subjected to the "permissible" forms of "enhanced interrogation" allowed by Presidential executive order, he would likely have revealed a wealth of invaluable information that could have been used to destroy the organization.......



You might or might not be right about alot of things. I don't care. You are on the side of those who oppose us so there is nothing you say that is meant for our good. You have nothing to say that interests me.

Re: Answers

I did not post the above comment. Did you, Ron?
You posted in your subject line "Answers" but you forgot to answer the questions in your haste to condemn me as an "enemy" for asking the questions. Do you have answers?

I wrote the content of that email

I wrote the content of that message but how your name got on the address line is beyond me.

Bin Laden dead

As I said in my post in the other thread, you absolutely cannot rely on the information coming from the White House right now about Bin Laden's killing.

All we can do is wait for any one of the SEAL team members involved to tell his story. It could take years. I guarantee you it won't resemble any of the fabrications that we are getting from the Obamabots these days.

So, it really is pointless to conjecture and debate about something that very likely is just political postering by the presidential imposter. There just is no substance there, so just wait for the real story to come out.


an adversarial white house

If you pick up Jonah Goldberg's book on liberal fascism or much better FA Hayek's Road to Serfdom you will no doubt be struck by the Obama administration's political moves similarity to early stage fascism.
I need to say that Jonah Goldberg will be the much easier read but that FA Hayek is better in that he won a Nobel Prize with that book.
However Obama's behavior may well be based on his experience as a Neighborhood organizer. In anycase his behaviour is adversarial.

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