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You deny the words you write here and expect people to believe you!

You deny the next day the words you penned the day before.

The Patriot Act and the Military Commissions Act were by no means constitutional violations created by liberals, as much as you'd like to believe that is true.

Who thought up this stuff? Were Bush and Cheney liberals?

The Torture Papers

You make no sense, Ron, none at all. Your attempts to tarnish liberals at every turn and blame them for constitutional violations is only one example of that.

Russ Feingold was the only senator who voted against the Patriot Act.

Louise, I never denied my words, nor do I now

"You deny the next day the words you penned the day before."
No, I denied the interpretation you gave my words and continue to claim were my meaning. And, I corrected your interpretation as soon as I found you were making a grevious error.
This is nothing new. You were totally incapable of finding your way to the truth of Fred Taylor. Instead you continue to spout the deliberate misconstructions of his enemies. I hold only your persistance against you. Your original beliefs are understandable given the mass of misinformation available to you. I had a really difficult time learning the truth myself. Because I have two degrees and years of working experience in the same field I was aware that someone was feeding me an incomplete story. I persisted but I can easily see that a non industrial engineer would probably be taken in by that story. It sounds good unless you realize what is not being said.
The same goes for the way you throw around the words liberal and conservative as well as their fellow travelers. The term progressive according to FA Hayek was taken up by the socialists after the word socialist was completely disrespected during the 19th Century. The first progressive president was Teddy Roosevelt who took office in 1901. If you look it up you will find that Herbert Hoover and FD Roosevelt were proteges of Woodrow Wilson during the First World War. Furthermore that until they became political opponents in the early 30s that the two men were a mutual admiration society. That Hoover's attempted cure for the Depression was a huge pump priming program of public works. Pump priming didn't work for Hoover just like it isn't working now. (look at the latest movement in the unemployment numbers out this week) Roosevelt's recovery didn't recover until the early 50s. I know the left wing will tell you about the recovery after Pearl Harbor and I will agree to the increased employment as well as the extra money but on the other hand please tell me about consumer goods. In fact there were more consumer goods available during the 30s. A now dead friend of mine was in the Navy stationed in Philadelphia during the war. She grew a victory garden, harvested it, put goods in a big suitcase and carried them home to NYC to help feed her parents. He was a self employed dentist. The goods just weren't available. There is more but you will have to leave your public school education behind you and begin researching for yourself. Check the records of all the Republican Presidents since Hoover. All of them except Reagan were flaming liberals. Look it up. You will find that Dick Nixon was the most liberal president since T. Roosevelt.
Please don't think I approve of those presidents. In 1903 we were the number one nation in the world economically. Look around you now and ask who got us in this mess.
If you would like to continue this conversation go right ahead. However I do believe that for individuals our homeschooling movement is the beginning of the answer. I didn't call Mr. Gatto a hero of mind just to hear the wind blow.

If you didn't mean Percy, who did you mean?

Here's what you said:

It appears the Brown Shirts are now confident enough of their eventual dictatorship to have one give you a "friendly suggestion" to censor yourself. Of course the collectivists are still free to say what they please.

If you didn't mean Percy, who were you referring to?

Who got us into this mess? The mess arose after the 1886 Santa Clara decision, when corporations were invested with personhood. With help from politicians after that, but nevertheless the birth of corporatocracy.

Gangs of America, by Ted Nace

You seem to be mixing two totally different subjects

In re response to your questions about Percy I wrote you a long email detailing such evidence that I used to determine that the Brown Shirts are a serious threat to our society and who I had in mind. If you have questions about that I'll be happy to answer you.
Frankly the collectivist liberal politicians and the major corporations (what percentage are involved??) has become so emeshed that I can't answer that question. A second complication is the attempts of other collectivist liberals to take over the corporations for their benefit.
But I regard any attempt to trace corporate evils to the single court decision in 1886 and entirely too restrictive. During the period between 1870 (when classical liberalism was last dominate) and 1891 (the oligarchy, from the collectivist liberal movement, began planning the public school system) there is a period of 21 years when the kids were obviously fighting under the blankets. We know that things were already going awry even though we cannot, or at least I can't, reconstruct the exact details.

I was responding to your post

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