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Sure, I understand why you love everyone, while disparaging them to

the nth degree through verbal abuse, including name calling, and all your other delightful habits on the education forum.

You really do make yourself look foolish.

Considering who you admire

the fact that you think I am "foolish" troubles me not in the least nor am I troubled that you, expert on Christian theology that you are, consider me to be a bad Christian.

Why can you never defend the IDEAS you promote?

Re: Considering who you admire

I see. You're right, you're right. I must be blind to have failed to perceive the abundant and overflowing nature of the love you express to all on this forum.

Re: Considering who you admire

What can be more loving than to have enough respect for every individual to wish for them to have the liberty to live freely and unencumbered as they wish? To want them to be free as children and not jailed by state agents?

YOU are the one who repeatedly expresses your fear and loathing for the ideas that promote liberty for other people. Your insistance that all be herded and ruled by social "experts" and cultural "critics" experimenting on people and families as YOU see fit for THEM reveals YOUR lack of love for your fellow man. You hate and fear those not like you and constantly seek to "improve" them or restrain them to suit your values. All I ask is to not be forced to live under those whose religion and values I do not share....and I would grant them the same.

Re: Considering who you admire

Your insistance that all be herded and ruled by social "experts" and cultural "critics" experimenting on people and families as YOU see fit for THEM reveals YOUR lack of love for your fellow man. You hate and fear those not like you and constantly seek to "improve" them or restrain them to suit your values.

More of your BS.

Criticism is not synonymous with fear and hatred. Exploring different options is not a desire to declare herding and rule by experts and cultural critics.

Of course, you go for the criticism on lewrockwell.com, wanting to turn the world into little covenant communities. How's that for social engineering?

Re: Considering who you admire

More of your BS.

Criticism is not synonymous with fear and hatred.<<<<

Claiming that traditional "religionist" parenting is the cause of all violence and wars in the world is a smear that drips fear and hatred, especially in view of the fact that most of the carnage of the 20th century was committed by Marxist atheists intent on ERADICATING alternate religions. You are not merely criticizing, you are making very serious and completely UNFOUNDED accusations for very specific reasons...your own state worshipping religion.

>>>>> Exploring different options is not a desire to declare herding and rule by experts and cultural critics.<<<<<

Yes. I've read your "options" you want to "explore".

>>>>Of course, you go for the criticism on lewrockwell.com, wanting to turn the world into little covenant communities. How's that for social engineering?<<<<<

When I advocate pointing a gun at people and FORCING them to form covenant communities (or just loose associations) and promote monitoring the children of others to be sure that they are being reared as I say they should be THEN you can accuse me of "social engineering". Liberty is a NEGATIVE, a REMOVAL, not a positive IMPOSITION.

JS, that isn't how the collectivist liberals define liberty

" Liberty is a NEGATIVE, a REMOVAL, not a positive IMPOSITION."
First, you close down the churches, force everyone to vote but give them only one list of candidates, eliminate all entreprenuers in favor of central planning and redefine liberty as being inferior wages, apartments, shortages of food and basic goods required for living but being a member of the intelligentsia and having special shops for your food, clothing and other essentials.

Re: JS, that isn't how the collectivist liberals define liberty

>>>>First, you close down the churches, force everyone to vote but give them only one list of candidates, eliminate all entreprenuers in favor of central planning and redefine liberty as being inferior wages, apartments, shortages of food and basic goods required for living but being a member of the intelligentsia and having special shops for your food, clothing and other essentials.

ALL of which would require an army or police force to FORCE none of which I would have money to pay. Clearly you do not understand the concept of liberty, the ABSENCE of state FORCE.

JS, read that again, with your sarcasm detector turned on

"ALL of which would require an army or police force to FORCE none of which I would have money to pay. Clearly you do not understand the concept of liberty, the ABSENCE of state FORCE."
My bad, JS. I got too subtle.

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