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Re: Re: Re: Re: No one right way to grow up or get an education, but Christianity is the only way to

Thank you. I am trying to suspend my own opinions and understand how and why people have come to the understanding they have of Christianity. I thought that was a good explanation of your path, and I appreciate the thoughtfulness that went into your post. Not to worry about evangelism. I won't worry about your knocking on my door handing out literature.

I think there is some danger in believing that Christianity is the one true religion or "way" for all people, and that was the gist of my original question. I think Christianity owes its logic to Paul and Paul owes it to pagan Aristotle. Be that as it may, I think the Christian message is one of individuality and freedom.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: No one right way to grow up or get an education, but Christianity is the only wa

There are a lot of people who say and do things in the name of Christianity that directly contradicts what Christ taught, you have to know what Christ taught to see this and not just assume that Christians are nuts or evil (which is what I thought before I really read it for myself). I know good and decent Christians who get all worked up over alcohol, Sunday being the Lord's day and other legalisms. Christ was against legalisms and religiosity and was persecuted because of it. He was persecuted for performing miracles on the Sabbath (there was no dispute that He did perform miracles), yet a lot of Christians still are prideful that they observe Sunday as the Lord's day, etc. Christianity is the only way to salvation, He redeemed humanity by sacrificing Himself. Paul liked government, he used his Roman citizenship to save himself from persecution, he found it useful. Christ had no use for the kingdom of man. The Lord worked a lot of good through Paul, but Christ is much more. Christianity is based on individuality and freedom. We all stand before God to be judged on our individual actions. Church membership, tithing and all the rest matters little. Christianity doesn't really owe anything to Aristotle or paganism, they were simply steps along the way, incomplete understanding. You have to be aware of the process of thought itself before you can understand wisdom, you have to have an awareness of something transcendant in the universe before you can begin to perceive of what it is.

Re: No one right way to grow up or get an education, but Christianity is the only way to God?

In short, "It's in the Bible." I recall Jesus mentioning "I am the way the truth and the light Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6

If any old way would do then Christ's death on the cross would have been the act of a sadistic god and not one worthy of praise.

Re: Re: No one right way to grow up or get an education, but Christianity is the only way to God?

The "Jesus is the only way" thinking is the same thinking that gives us the public schools and the neo-con empire!!! The question I have for JS is what forms of coercion do you think are justified in helping poor pagans like myself?

If you are willing to have your ideas about Christ and not try using force, corercian, or tax money to "help" me, then that is great. I can accept you and we can even be friends. More power to you. But you are certainly in the minority of the Christian fanatics.

The entire history of Christianity is riddled with violence, death, and suffering because of the belief that Christ is the only way to God. Is it not the logical conclusion of that kind of thinkink?


Re: Re: Re: No one right way to grow up or get an education, but Christianity is the only way to God

Not to worry. She's a fanatical anarchist, not a fanatical Christian.

Re: Re: Re: Re: No one right way to grow up or get an education, but Christianity is the only way to

I prefer the word "resolute" to "fanatical" for obvious reasons. But, as always, show me I'm wrong.

Re: Re: Re: No one right way to grow up or get an education, but Christianity is the only way to God

>>>  The "Jesus is the only way" thinking is the same thinking that gives us the public schools and the neo-con empire!!!<<<<

You are misunderstanding me. Jesus is the only way to redemption, salvation. Saying this is not the same thing as saying people should be forced to become Christians. You can't be, it must be a personal journey and choice. That said, there are some absolutes, some truths that do not change. Stealing is wrong, killing is wrong, coveting is wrong, idol worshipping is wrong. Thinking that there are no absoutes, that anything can be OK in the right circumstances is opening pandora's box, if I may use a pagan reference.

>>>> The question I have for JS is what forms of coercion do you think are justified in helping poor pagans like myself? <<<<

None whatsoever. I am against aggression in any form.

>>>>>If you are willing to have your ideas about Christ and not try using force, corercian, or tax money to "help" me, then that is great. I can accept you and we can even be friends. More power to you. But you are certainly in the minority of the Christian fanatics.<<<<

I am a market anarchist, which is misleading because of the negative connotations people have been trained to associate with anarchy. Actually, we are living in a pretty lawless time, the "laws" bend and change to accomodate special interests. The free market is the mechanism the Lord gave us to live with each other peaceably. Humans are not intended to be ruled by other humans (even Christian humans), that is the path to misery and tyranny. In the absence of a government class, there is no one to force any religion on anyone. I don't consider myself a fanatic, I am open to anyone who can show me Christianity is wrong or erroneous. I don't think there is a need to force it on anyone, if you are a pagan you have started on the path toward Christ, whether you know it and accept it or not.

>>>>The entire history of Christianity is riddled with violence, death, and suffering because of the belief that Christ is the only way to God. Is it not the logical conclusion of that kind of thinkink?<<<<<

You are confusing men with Christianity. Men are corrupt, they corrupt and twist everything to suit their own ambitions and interests, including churches and religions. Some are worse than others. Christianity does require suffering on behalf of Christians when followed as Christ taught. True Christians are the meek but righteous, they have power only through Christ, not through earthly governments. Christ is the only way to salvation, Christ is God, but there are many paths to Christ. Men can only hurt other men in the name of Christ if they have the power of the state to tax to support an army or police to aggress...government is the weapon, not the savior.

Re: Re: No one right way to grow up or get an education, but Christianity is the only way to God?

Thank you, Eppi. Maybe that passage is one that inspired Christian missionaries to try to save the people they believed were "heathen." I think it makes sense for Christians, but I think Christians should respect other religious traditions. I appreciate your answer.

Re: No one right way to grow up or get an education, but Christianity is the only way to God?

This is an example of an excellent dialouge, and exchange of ideas. Wonderful! The explanation of Christ, and True Christianity was right on. You are one of very few True Christians, and also a wonderful example of an anarchist. Thanks


Perhaps because education is in the earthly realm and, entirely made by human beings.

Religion is in the faith realm. It's not human made (according to the adherents) but, supernaturally created and, given to humans.

Re: No one right way to grow up or get an education, but Christianity is the only way to God?

Let me suggest that The Victory of Reason presents the clearest case for believing that Christianity is the best of our world's religions.
Believe it or not there are some fairly objective reasons for grading Christianity number one and yes that includes cecularism.

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