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Re: We saw that on the news

What do you mean "they are" doing...????

Take a stand and do something about it! Put your manly britches on (woman or not)!

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Scary (criminal) what they're doing to children

Re: School shooter on Prozac

Yes, Bobby, and clearly one, BIG, step beyond school's normal mind colinizing M.O.

The indifference and ignorance relative to the forced drugging of our children just blows me away. Brainwashing our kids via the state school system is one thing, brain damaging them, perhaps permanantly, is positively Hitleresque.

Re: Re: School shooter on Prozac

If you consider that the purpose of the school is intended to dumb us down and fit us into the bottom four rungs of a five level caste system does the use of mind destroying drugs seem so strange?
I find it impossible to believe that someone would deliberately do that but I had trouble accepting that we had a deliberate attempt to adapt us to the caste system also.

Re: Re: Re: School shooter on Prozac

Although lombotomies were performed by many people for many reasons...What is the difference bewteen these actions decades ago and now? The only one I could come up with was it is in pill form...

Oh and obviously taking an icepick to the brain is not favorable in our society...but to fathom it ever was!

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Replying to:

If you consider that the purpose of the school is intended to dumb us down and fit us into the bottom four rungs of a five level caste system does the use of mind destroying drugs seem so strange?
I find it impossible to believe that someone would deliberately do that but I had trouble accepting that we had a deliberate attempt to adapt us to the caste system also.

Re: Re: School shooter on Prozac

Hi Lester. There was another incident last week in New Brunswick (Canadian east coast), involving a couple of boys. Fortunatly a student overheard them bragging and reported it. Those two had home made bombs and a list of who they wanted to kill by blowing up the school. Whewww
They must be on drugs of some sort as well

Drugging children is a very touchie subject for me Lester. They (school) attempted to convince us that our son required drugs (gr5), not because he was bouncing off walls, he was too quiet and paying attention. Imagine THAT, a kid who's there to learn
something Must be something wrong with him. I won't go into great detail, let's just say we're glad we pulled our kids OUT, only sorry we hadn't known about homescholaring earlier. I dread the thought of what would have happened had we left them there to be labeled and stupified.

Our son is 21, healthy mentally and physically, just purchased another house (lakefront) and is renting out his cabin to a young couple. There was NOTHING wrong with that kiddo, except possibly his resistance to being brainwashed.

My parents owned a wine making supply business, their best customers were teachers I knew a few of them and know they were caring people. Spose a coupla glasses of homemade wine is better than Prozak

Re: Re: School shooter on Prozac

Look at the lombotomies the medical field performed for years decades ago???? Dare to compare???

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Replying to:

Yes, Bobby, and clearly one, BIG, step beyond school's normal mind colinizing M.O.

The indifference and ignorance relative to the forced drugging of our children just blows me away. Brainwashing our kids via the state school system is one thing, brain damaging them, perhaps permanantly, is positively Hitleresque.

Re: School shooter on Prozac

Bobby, I'd say a couple glasses of wine, every day, for the rest of ones life is a much better social lubricant than Prozac or any other brain disabling, psychiatric drug.

I'm glad you pulled your precious one out from the clutches of his school's pseudo doctors. Your move probably spared him of problems of which would have been irreparable. You're a courageous and loving soul. Your children are surely blessed.

Re: Re: School shooter on Prozac

There was someone here recently who posted about the mainstream medical establishment and how they aren't going to help us. My experience (more & more as I get older) makes me concur whole heartedly! I fluctuate between thinking they are incompetent and thinking they are diabolically corrupt!
Why does the med. establishment think that psychotropic drugs are acceptable to treat symptoms, when simple things like magnesium can cure what ails?
As I take the time to learn more about nutrients, wellness, balance, wholeness, I am constantly amazed how much nutritional deficiencies can affect our lives!

I've come to the conclusion that if they don't kill you, someone else they are treating very well may! These school shootings are sad examples!

I don't even need the wine (or my drug of choice:weed), just give me some progesterone!

Re: Re: Re: School shooter on Prozac

xandy, here's an interesting primer on psychotropic meds:


As for the mainstream medical establishment, at the very least it is grossly arrogant. It's corruption seems to be proportional to the massive amounts of $$$ funneled into it via govt. Preventative health care, initiated by the individual, will go a long way to keeping us out of harms way, especially when the politicians eventually start us down the road of rationed, socialistic health care.

Re: Re: School shooter on Prozac

Lester I'd rather have a glass of homemade redwine than a glass of city water ;-) Approx. 20years ago, my father in law took a sample to a private lab. Test results came back "Un~fit for human consumption".

Thanks to my husbands' support through the years, we're nearing the end of our homescholaring adventure. At least the part where our department of education can butt out, now that our youngest is 16.
In our province ALL children ages 5 to 16 MUST by law be registered or face similar actions that homeschool parents are suffering in Germany. Fortunatly for us, we finally found a private Christian umbrella school which was opened years ago by very brave homeschool parents. Parents are a childs "FIRST teacher, no institution can replace or duplicate the love and devotion of parents.

What drives children to such hatred of institutional schools to plot murder. There are many reasons, one comes to mind, feeling like they are inside a prison, and rebelling. I was shocked to discover that ALL classrooms were locked once the students are inside. Just the idea of being locked in/out made me feel like I was a prisoner. Our local school administrators were experts at covering up violent incidents, knifings and so on. Bullying was/is a very serious problem, driving victims to fight back in desperation, possibly to the EXTREME. Parents are too pre~occupied to notice behaviour/personality changes in their children until it's too late.
I met a schoolmate of DDIL's about 4 years ago, showed me the scars on her wrist, tried several times to end her life, she was also on some type of mind altering prescription drug :-(

I meantioned a while ago that over one third of the kids attending our local school are on some type of mind controlling medication, this was not their choice, it's their parents (lack of parenting) and the entire skewed up power crazed system.

Like Xandy mentioned, with proper diet , I doubt they'd need drugs. Our kids loved Freezies till we figured out that the food coloring made them bouncy. Too many additives in the food we buy
I laughed so hard a few months ago when my daughter in law watched me make apple juice from organic apples. It looks possitively UNappetizing, not that crystal clear stuff she buys. If that wasn't bad enough, you should have seen her expression when I threw some oranges into the concoction Glad she wasn't around when we made veggie juice

I feel blessed , having 3 great kids who thankfully include us in their lives. Our oldest son (23yo) is a bit "iffy" at times but hubby just chuckles and says he was in ps too long. He and his wife are very materialist, fast cars, brand new everything, big payments, yadda yadda. It's mainly DDIL, he'd have been happy to have some of my parents' furniture and stuff. I have one funny that DH and I still chuckle about every once in a while. They purchased a nice little place 1200SqFt. house on 3 acres a few years ago. The owner had already moved out so he allowed them to go in before possession date, in order to paint, tile etc., spruce the place up before they moved in. (nice fella) Anyhoo, we pulled in one day with lunch and see how it's going and ALL the kitchen cabinets were piled outside NO~they aren't on drugs, but I sure nuff had to wonder about their lack of common sense. Those cabinets weren't the greatest but so what, nothing that a coat of paint couldn't solve. Ya don't yank out an entire kitchen till you get possession of the place, what if the deal wobbled. eeeshh. Part two of the adventure taught them that when new cabinets are ordered they don't come assembled and ready to install, be prepared for back orders as well. Lesson learned (talk to us), they spent 11 months washing dishes in the bath tub

Thought I'd share a chuckle while I have a quiet moment on the puter. Kiddo cooked dinner.

Bobby in Alberta who wishes we homescholared right from day one. (better late than never I spose)

Re: School shooter on Prozac

I suspect the "experts" will not focus too long on the drug (Prozac) as being responsible. They will, however, propose solutions calling for more social control.

The following voices will not reach mainstream media:

after the Santana H.S. (CA) incident:
Using violence to justify government control
and after Columbine (CO):
Are They Schools Or Are They Prisons?

Re: School shooter on Prozac

Raul, those voices will reach the mainstream media, but will be ignored/suppressed. The nexus between govt (including schools), media, and the pharmaceutical industrial complex is intractable. Plato's view of the masses is confirmed daily by their almost complete capitulation/indifference to their state keepers. Conformists are plentiful, mavericks are few. Nothing much new under the sun there.

It seems they all are.

I'm so thankful the government is working so hard to protect us from dangerous drugs like ephedra and anabolic steroids.

I wonder what the comparisons of damage would look like between people on Prozac and people on steroids...

Bad bad. Very bad.

Re: School shooter on Prozac

Word on the streets around Chi town is that the child murdering mom was on psychotropic meds. Developing....

My own med experience

I have no way to tell which of my meds are to keep me quiet and to keep me alive. I'm a sickly person- I have Asperger's syndrome, need anti-rejection medicine because of a kidney transplant, and a cough medicine made me go temporarily insane when I was younger, so since then I've been on Haldol (an antipsychotic). I do know that I used to be on Prozac and would often hide the pills (I hadn't yet figured out to swallow them with soda to disguise the flavors). So yeah, I'm probably overmedicated.

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